
20. February 2014 12:13
by Rene Pallesen

Super hero

20. February 2014 12:13 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

super hero

The other day Aiden came back from daycare with face paint around his eyes proudly saying that he was a super hero.

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Perfect Moments Photography | A Rene Pallesen Journal


18. December 2012 08:11
by Rene Pallesen

Lucas first Christmas

18. December 2012 08:11 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

lucas first christmas

The first Christmas for Lucas is approaching. This also means that he is being subjected to all kinds of Christmas rituals such as posing for his Dads Christmas photos.

12. December 2012 08:12
by Rene Pallesen

Kims Dads Birthday 2012

12. December 2012 08:12 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

kims dads birthday 2012

This year we celebrated Kims Dads birthday with a big lunch for the whole family where everyone brough along something to eat.

Afterwards we did some family photos with Kim and all the grans children as well as my Dad and his two grand children Aiden and Lucas.

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5. December 2012 06:34
by Rene Pallesen

Glasses - Feeling old

5. December 2012 06:34 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

glasses feeling old

I finally had to bite the bullet and get my eyes checked out for glasses.

I had started developing a headache if sitting in front of the computer or reading for extended periods of time

So I now have some reading glasses that I can use...makes me feel old.

3. December 2012 11:19
by Rene Pallesen

Aiden playing with water

3. December 2012 11:19 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

aiden playing with water

Needless to say that our lives currently revolve around looking after Lucas and Aiden.

This Saturday I took Aiden swimming in the morning and I must say that he is getting more and more confident in the water. We reached another milestone with him being happy to just swim around (in circles mostly) wearing his floaties without holding onto me.

In the afternoon it was really hot...36 degrees in the shade, so we decided to let him have some more waterfun at home in the inflatable pool.

3. December 2012 11:15
by Rene Pallesen

Aiden playing with Playdough

3. December 2012 11:15 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

aiden playing with playdough

This weekend we bought some playdough for Aiden to play with.

Initially he wasn't sure what to do with it, but after a while with a bit of guidance he started getting a bit more creative.

3. December 2012 01:25
by Rene Pallesen

First December 2012

3. December 2012 01:25 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

1 dec 2012

It is now the first of december and the Christmas shopping has started in the shopping centres.

The other day the mall has a big sale and with that sale they has different characters walk the floor...in this case a Teddy with a girlie Santa.

Aiden was very excited but a lille scared of the big teddy bear.

25. November 2012 11:07
by Rene Pallesen

Lucas two and a half months

25. November 2012 11:07 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

lucas two and a half months

Last week Kim asked me to bring the camera an take some photos of Lucas on the bed.

He is now two and an half months old and is now able to smile and get excited when he sees you and when you talk to him.

He is still keeping mummy up at night although we think he is getting a bit better on that front.

24. November 2012 01:21
by Rene Pallesen

An Oldie, but a goodie

24. November 2012 01:21 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

an oldie but a goodie

This photo was actually taken more than 6 months ago, but going through some old photos I found it too good not to post.

I was setting up for a pregnancy shoot (then Kim was 4 months due) and Aiden was trying to assist me with the setup. He happened to sit down it the perfect spot and give me a pose that tells so much about his character at that time...sucking his fingers and everything.

...and by pure coincidence it happened that the photo was perfectly lit.

20. November 2012 12:56
by Rene Pallesen

Lucas Foot

20. November 2012 12:56 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

lucas foot

I took this photo a couple of months ago, but haven't come around to finishing it until now.

It is a photo of Lucas' foot in my hands.

12. November 2012 11:44
by Rene Pallesen

Old Photo - Aiden/Daddy looks the same?

12. November 2012 11:44 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

old photo aiden daddy looks the same

I found this old photo of myself that my dad took of me when I was about 3 years old (I think).

Looking at Aiden today there is a strong resemblance in the facial features.

The photo was badly damaged and requires a fair bit of restoration, but at least I now have a digital copy of the photo.
Perfect Moments Photography | Slideshow jcarousel - album1


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