
23. August 2023 20:08
by Rene Pallesen

New Zealand 2023 - Driving and Various

23. August 2023 20:08 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

The trip in New Zealand first landed us in Christchurch where we picked up our rental car and stayed

The trip in New Zealand first landed us in Christchurch where we picked up our rental car and stayed the first night.

Next day we drove through Arthurs Pass to Franz Josef (a long drive) where we stayed for three nights. This was mainly so that we had a spare day in case the weather closed in and we couldn't fly to the glacier.

From there we drove to Queenstown via Wanaka and the Crowns Range (another long drive). We were lucky that this was open and that snow chains weren't required.

Here we stayed for 5 nights whereafter we went to Twizel near Mount Cook for two night.

Lastly we drive back to Christchurch to fly out.

Queenstown is a scenic place, but lost of other scenic places along the way.

23. August 2023 19:08
by Rene Pallesen

New Zealand 2023 - Lake Pukaki chapel

23. August 2023 19:08 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

At Lake Pukaki there is this little beautiful chapel at the lake. Again this is a really photographe
At Lake Pukaki there is this little beautiful chapel at the lake.

Again this is a really photographed location and much more busy than I remember it.

23. August 2023 19:08
by Rene Pallesen

New Zealand 2023 - Skiing

23. August 2023 19:08 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

At Queenstown we did 4 days of skiing at the Remarkables.The boys did two days of lessons and were w
At Queenstown we did 4 days of skiing at the Remarkables.

The boys did two days of lessons and were with me the other two days. Some friends of our joined us in Queenstown, so for the other days I had Tod to go with, who is a very decent snowboarder.

Aiden and Lucas are both becoming good skiers, but especially Lucas is getting really good to the point where I can bring him onto black runs.

Although Kim is still very much a beginner she still did two days of skiing sticking to the beginner slope where there is a 'magic carpet' lift. I did see some improvement to last year, but she is still too scared to go on the proper lifts.

I bought my own ski boots last year and brought them along (my feet are not compatible with rental ski boots).

23. August 2023 19:08
by Rene Pallesen

New Zealand 2023 - West coast

23. August 2023 19:08 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

The west coast of New Zealand is really beautiful.It is not very populated and there are not a lot o
The west coast of New Zealand is really beautiful.

It is not very populated and there are not a lot of tourists either as it is hard to get to.

We did a lot of walks in the area both around beautiful lakes and also at the beach outside Fox Glacier and Franz Josef villages.

23. August 2023 19:08
by Rene Pallesen

New Zealand 2023 - Lake Wanaka and the famous most photographed tree.

23. August 2023 19:08 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

Driving back towards Queenstown we had to go through Wanaka. Boy, has it changed! It used to be a sm
Driving back towards Queenstown we had to go through Wanaka. Boy, has it changed! It used to be a small place with maybe fifty houses, but now it is a proper town with lots of cars and traffic.

It is very scenic approaching Lake Wanaka, and the lake itself has this tree growing in the water that photographers from all around the world come here to take photos of.

23. August 2023 19:08
by Rene Pallesen

New Zealand 2023 - Lindis Pass

23. August 2023 19:08 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

A place that I have always found really magical is driving through the Lindis Pass.Kim doesn't think
A place that I have always found really magical is driving through the Lindis Pass.

Kim doesn't think much of it, but since I visited it the first time, I've alwas found the rolling hills and the colours absolutely stunning.

23. August 2023 19:08
by Rene Pallesen

New Zealand 2023 - Glacier Tour

23. August 2023 19:08 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

Kims highlight on the trip was to go up on a real glacier.She had booked a helicopter tour that woul
Kims highlight on the trip was to go up on a real glacier.

She had booked a helicopter tour that would take up up on a section of the glacier between the two major ice falls.

This is a section of the glacier that Andy and I dreaded having to walk through 20 years ago when we were climbing higher up on the glacier. Mind you, back then there was probably another 100 metres of ice on top of where we landed on this day.

23. August 2023 19:08
by Rene Pallesen

New Zealand 2023 - Castle Hill Boulders

23. August 2023 19:08 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

Driving from Christchurch toward the west coast we passed the Castle Hills boulders.This is a phenom
Driving from Christchurch toward the west coast we passed the Castle Hills boulders.

This is a phenomenal place to go climbing if you are a good boulderer. It is also quite scenic to just go for a walk.

We saw lots of people with their bouldering mats (a soft mat to land on when you are climbing).

23. August 2023 19:08
by Rene Pallesen

New Zealand 2023 - Mount Cook

23. August 2023 19:08 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

At Mount Cook we did a long 10km walk to the start of the Hooker glacier. It is a beautiful walk whe
At Mount Cook we did a long 10km walk to the start of the Hooker glacier.

It is a beautiful walk where you walk past the Tasman Glacier and Muller Glacier before you eventually come to the Hooker Glacier lake.

The lake was frozen with an iceberg floating around in it.

25. December 2022 18:12
by Rene Pallesen

Christmas Day - 2022

25. December 2022 18:12 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

As usual, we did a family thing at Kims sisters house.At home I had Aiden make Havregryns Kugler (oa
As usual, we did a family thing at Kims sisters house.

At home I had Aiden make Havregryns Kugler (oat balls).

Perfect Moments Photography | A Rene Pallesen Journal


12. May 2015 11:05
by Rene Pallesen

Grandparents and Great Grand parents

12. May 2015 11:05 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

Going through some old photos I came across these of my great grand parents (on my mothers side).I a
Going through some old photos I came across these of my great grand parents (on my mothers side).

I am pretty sure that the little girl on the left is my Mum (So the photos must have been taken around 1943-1944) and the other two girls are her sisters (My Aunties) Eli on the right and Yrsa in the middle.

I assume that the women in the back are their grand parents (my great grands) with the woman on the right being my grandmothers (mormor's) mum and the one on the right being grandad's (morfar'd) mum.

Here is a family photo of what I assume is my grandmothers (mormor's) family. I think it is my grandma in the middle right behind my great grandmother.

I assume this is my great grandparents, but I cannot be certain.

This must be a birthday for my grandmother.

This was taken outside the farm where my mum grew up. It is my grandad (morfar) in the middle on the right and it could be my grandmother (mormor) on the stairs with her mum. The farm is still there today owned by my uncle.

This must be some of the family on my grandads (morfar's) side, so possibly some of his siblings.

9. May 2015 18:05
by Rene Pallesen

Comissioned work

9. May 2015 18:05 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

A friend asked if I would do a commissioned corporate portrait for professional usage.I said I was h
A friend asked if I would do a commissioned corporate portrait for professional usage.

I said I was happy to help and on a very rainy day we managed to get the the shoot done. This is the most corporatey of the lot.

9. May 2015 18:05
by Rene Pallesen

Ring flash portrait

9. May 2015 18:05 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

I purchased a cheap ring flash and had a bit of a play with it one evening and took the following ha
I purchased a cheap ring flash and had a bit of a play with it one evening and took the following happy snap photo of Kim.

We are planning a holiday and I am thinking that I might bring it along.

4. May 2015 12:05
by Rene Pallesen

Kenya Camping

4. May 2015 12:05 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

In Kenya we would just camp somewhere in the bush whenever we went out on safari. In the evening we
In Kenya we would just camp somewhere in the bush whenever we went out on safari. In the evening we would sit around a camp fire and on more than one occasion were we visited by lions either wandering past or approaching the camp site at night.

One night my mum woke up with a lion starring into the tent and we had paw prints on the car next to the tent.


Some of the sights were truly amazing such as the extinct volcanoes.

Or Lake paradise in Marsabit in the middle of the desert.

Or lake Nakuru with all the flamingoes (and as I discovered, ancle deep poo).

And the locals were always friendly.

4. May 2015 12:05
by Rene Pallesen

France 1983

4. May 2015 12:05 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

When I was a kid we spent a lot of time in southern Europe.In 1983 I went with my mum and dad throug
When I was a kid we spent a lot of time in southern Europe.

In 1983 I went with my mum and dad through France and through Avignon.

We were camping on the opposite side of the river just where the half bridge would have met the other bank.

One night there was a firework and we got showered in debris from the exploded rockets.

1. May 2015 17:05
by Rene Pallesen

Tender Embrace

1. May 2015 17:05 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

Last weekend when we went to Eastgardens I spotted one of the shops were setting up new clothes on t
Last weekend when we went to Eastgardens I spotted one of the shops were setting up new clothes on the mannequins. Two of the arms were placed on the floor perfectly for this tender embrace.

17. April 2015 16:04
by Rene Pallesen

Fox Easter family show

17. April 2015 16:04 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

Sunday we went to the Easter show at the Fox studios. This year we bought an unlimited rides pass fo
Sunday we went to the Easter show at the Fox studios.

This year we bought an unlimited rides pass for all of us. This mean that both Lucas and Aiden could do a lot of rides with bot Kim and I.

Aiden was feeling a little sick but he didn't let that stop him and Lucas was a bit more hesitant and spend the first couple of hours refusing to go on any rides but once he got started he wasn't to be stopped.

We went with a couple of friends and everyone had fun.

Except he who had to take Aiden on all the rides that make me seasick.

The also had a 1:1 size Lightning McQueen car and Mack truck, but Aiden wasn't in a mood to say hello or have his photo taken.

17. April 2015 13:04
by Rene Pallesen

Symbio Wildlife park

17. April 2015 13:04 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

On the weekend we went a trip to Symbio wildlife park. We have been there before, but we managed to
On the weekend we went a trip to Symbio wildlife park. We have been there before, but we managed to purchase some cheap tickets and it is a great place for small kids as they can pad and feed the animals. Aiden especially loves animals and is getting good at feeding them himself.

Even Lucas who is normally terrified of animals eventually took courage to touch a Joey (baby kangaroo).

But he was too scared to approach the larger ones.

We also looked at some of the other animals there, such as the crocodiles.

The Dingo's.

The snakes.

The Emu

And the chameleons.

And the red panda.

29. March 2015 08:03
by Rene Pallesen

Le Noir - or The Dark and intimate side of Cirque du Soleil

29. March 2015 08:03 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

This week Kim and I went with a couple of friends to Lyric Theater to see Le Noir.It was a bit of a
This week Kim and I went with a couple of friends to Lyric Theater to see Le Noir.

It was a bit of a last minute decision day before as cheap tickets suddenly came up.

It was really good with death dying stunts and great performances and rancy sexiness to enjoy.

18. March 2015 13:03
by Rene Pallesen

Bedstefar visiting

18. March 2015 13:03 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

I February my dad came to visit for a couple of weeks with Connie, mainly to see the two boys.Aiden
I February my dad came to visit for a couple of weeks with Connie, mainly to see the two boys.

Aiden was very excited to have him here and Lucas was initially a bit shy but eventually warmed up.

My Dad brought all my old lego from Denmark, much to the amusement of especially Lucas who enjoys building things.

Aiden eventually also wanted to join.

They also spent time in the garden playing ball.

One day we went to Darling harbour for the Chinese new year. We stopped for some coffee and chilled out.

Afterwards we went to see the chinese decorations.

And we also did a carousel ride.

And we also stopped to get some photos of my dad with both the kids together...which is never easy.