
17. April 2014 06:04
by Rene Pallesen

Open day photoshoot - Valerie Peovska

17. April 2014 06:04 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

I did a couple of different sets with Valerie. Depending on the makeup she would look totally differ
I did a couple of different sets with Valerie. Depending on the makeup she would look totally different and unrecognisable.

I call this my 'Get Lost' photo...bit of attitude.

Model: Valerie Peovska
Hair: Cara Leupuscek
Makeup: Melisa Tomic
Set: Studio 1A Sydney

16. April 2014 16:04
by Rene Pallesen

Open day photoshoot - Edyta Jedrzejowska

16. April 2014 16:04 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

The last of the girls that I shot at the window set was Edyta.She has got a bit more of a rough look
The last of the girls that I shot at the window set was Edyta.

She has got a bit more of a rough look to her...a bit like Geena Davis in 'Long Kiss Goodnight'.

Being at the window with soft light everywhere the tough look didn't work for me, but I did manage to get this photo which emotionally is a bit more on the lighter side.

Model: Edyta Jedrzejowska
Hair: Cara Leupuscek
Makeup: Melisa Tomic
Set: Studio 1A Sydney

16. April 2014 08:04
by Rene Pallesen

Open Day photoshoot - Britney Williams

16. April 2014 08:04 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

Another Natural Light shoot that I did was with a girl called Britney.She has a very photogenic face
Another Natural Light shoot that I did was with a girl called Britney.

She has a very photogenic face if done right. I also did a couple of shots in one of the sets but I just couldn't make it work as well as with soft natural light.

Again I was shooting with the Samyang but it was a bit later in the day so it was easier to control the light.

Photographer: Rene Pallesen
Model: Britney Williams
Hair: Cara Leupuscek
Makeup: Melisa Tomic
Sets: Studio 1A Sydney

15. April 2014 16:04
by Rene Pallesen

Open day photoshoot - Sarah Lucien

15. April 2014 16:04 by Rene Pallesen | 1 Comments

One of the model was a more mature girl by the name of Sarah.I had the pleasure of shooting her usin
One of the model was a more mature girl by the name of Sarah.

I had the pleasure of shooting her using natural light next to one of the windows in the upstairs studio.

The Look I was going for was a more soft Boudoir type look and I think I managed to capture that in this photo.

I found it really hard shooting using natural light. I was using a new Samyang 85mm f/1.4 lens that I bought. The look I wanted required me to shoot it at 1.4 but the light at the window was fairly bright so I was constantly hitting the ceiling of how low the ISO could go and how high shutter speed I had.

Model: Sarah Lucien
Hair and Makeup: Carla Vallelonga
Lights: Natural

15. April 2014 10:04
by Rene Pallesen

Open day photoshoot - Taylia Lopez

15. April 2014 10:04 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

I had a blast of a day this Sunday participating in a modelling workshop with Studio 1A...22 models
I had a blast of a day this Sunday participating in a modelling workshop with Studio 1A...22 models, 10 makeup artists, 20 sets and lots of opportunity to take great photos.

I was totally buggered after shooting for 5 hours but it was great for building experience.

This was one of my favorite photos (many more to come) from the day.

Model: Taylia Lopez
Lighting & Set: Studio 1A
Hair & Make-up: Kabuki Mee Designs

10. April 2014 10:05
by Rene Pallesen

Lucas with a snotty nose

10. April 2014 10:05 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

A cute moment of Lucas attempting to draw and with a very snotty nose.This is a test shot using a ne
A cute moment of Lucas attempting to draw and with a very snotty nose.

This is a test shot using a new Samyang 85mm f/1.4 lens that I recently bought.

It is a manual focus lens so it is harder to use (especially with the kids), but this shot shows what beautiful results I am getting when shooting wide open.

10. April 2014 10:04
by Rene Pallesen

Aiden toilet training

10. April 2014 10:04 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

We are training Aiden at the moment. The other day he did a big one on the toilet and as a reward we
We are training Aiden at the moment. The other day he did a big one on the toilet and as a reward we gave him the dinosaur that we had promised him.

2. April 2014 12:04
by Rene Pallesen

Aunty Irene in town

2. April 2014 12:04 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

My Aunty and her husband arrived to Australia a couple of days ago and will be traveling around the
My Aunty and her husband arrived to Australia a couple of days ago and will be traveling around the country for the next 5 weeks.
They asked if they could come over for dinner one evening to see where/how we live, so Saturday night we hosted them at our place.
It is not often that I have relatives in this part of the world, so when it does happen then it is nice even if it is just for a short visit.

The menu was Kims lemon pepper prawns for starters, Duck breast with home made bearnaise and raspberry creme brulee for desert (plus a lot of other goodies such as dips and cheese and wine).

They were supposed to have arrived the night before but their flight was delayed so they arrived 6am in the morning going straight to their hotel and then straight onto a bicycle tour around Sydney. From there they went straight to our place...they must have been buggered...

1. April 2014 10:04
by Rene Pallesen

Family Photo at La Perouse

1. April 2014 10:04 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

Last weekend we went down to La Perouse to do some family photos as we needed some new ones. We deci
Last weekend we went down to La Perouse to do some family photos as we needed some new ones. We decided to do some on the lawn in front of the tower.
Lucas was not in the mood to have his photo taken and wanted to be held all the time so we decided to stick to using the picture frame that I had brought along.

Aiden on the other hand was having a blast of a time running, climbing and playing.

21. March 2014 15:03
by Rene Pallesen

St Patricks Day Spike Hair

21. March 2014 15:03 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

Monday it was St Patricks day (an Irish thing) and at daycare they were celebrating it by putting co
Monday it was St Patricks day (an Irish thing) and at daycare they were celebrating it by putting colour and hairspray in the kids hair (Green is the Irish National colour).

Aiden came back with very spiky hair and was his own cheeky self about it...

Perfect Moments Photography | A Rene Pallesen Journal


18. March 2014 12:03
by Rene Pallesen

Aiden pedalling his bike

18. March 2014 12:03 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

The other day Aiden figured out how to pedal his big bike (with support wheels).He was very proud an
The other day Aiden figured out how to pedal his big bike (with support wheels).

He was very proud and keen to get out riding.

18. March 2014 12:03
by Rene Pallesen

Playing at the park

18. March 2014 12:03 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

The other day we went to the park to play with the kids.I brought the camera along to take a few sho
The other day we went to the park to play with the kids.

I brought the camera along to take a few shots of Lucas on the swing.

He was so tired that he almost fell asleep on the swing.

I also managed to get a couple of great photos of Aiden.

20. February 2014 12:13
by Rene Pallesen

Super hero

20. February 2014 12:13 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

super hero

The other day Aiden came back from daycare with face paint around his eyes proudly saying that he was a super hero.

19. February 2014 06:37
by Rene Pallesen

Serenpidity canyon

19. February 2014 06:37 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

serenpidity canyon

Last year I received a gift voucher through work and decided to use it for a canyoning trip in the blue mountains before it expired.

one of the companies were doing intermediate canyons and it happens that the canyon they were doing this Sunday was the serendipity canyon at mount Wilson. We (two guides and 6 other clients) parked at mount Wilson fire station and headed down the trail 30 minutes downhill.

After a quick briefing about the canyon and a change to wetsuits we absailed into the canyon itself.

There were lots of yabbies...really big ones everywhere.

It was a fun canyon with a couple of a absails and lots of jumps into water pools and swim-throughs. It was raining a lot the day before so there was a lot of water in the canyon and the water was relatively warm.

Once we were out of the canyon we had some lunch and headed back to the car a 45 minute uphill walk later. We returned back to Katoomba at around 3pm in thick fog. After a quick turnaround I headed back towards sydney as a snail pace until I was below the clouds where visibility improved. I made it back just in time for having dinner with the family.

A lot of the canyons in the mountains are still closed due to the bushfire a couple of months ago.

10. February 2014 12:13
by Rene Pallesen

Baking bread - Sourdough

10. February 2014 12:13 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

baking bread sourdough

For the past 9 days is has been a small project of mine to try and bake an authentic sourdough bread.

By sourdough I mean by using the old techniques of not adding yeast and let the bread ferment using the natural yeast from the air.

As such it is not a lot of work, but there is a lot of waiting time and there are a lot of places that things can go wrong.

I finally managed to bake an actual bread last night and brought it for the family to taste.

They liked it and asked if I could bake them some more. Fortunately I still had some ferment left over for an additional two breads...photo above is one of them.

Although it was interesting to do, I think it will take a while before I attempt it again...the whole process is just too long.

6. February 2014 04:26
by Rene Pallesen

Emmas Babtism

6. February 2014 04:26 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

emmas babtism

Emma was baptised this weekend at the local church. Fastest ever...the priest was speed reading!

6. February 2014 04:24
by Rene Pallesen

Chinese New Year 2014

6. February 2014 04:24 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

chinese new year 2014

The other day it was Chinese new year. It is now the year of the horse.

Again it was celebrated with vegan food and money was put on Aidens rocking horse for good luck.

6. February 2014 04:19
by Rene Pallesen

Aiden pedalling his tricycle

6. February 2014 04:19 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

aiden pedalling his tricycle

Aiden has finally learned how to ride his little tricycle (the one his grandma gave him just before she passed away) by using the pedals.

He is very proud...hopefully he is able to soon using his new skills on the bike he got for christmas.

Even Lucas was proud and gave Aiden the victory jump.

6. February 2014 04:02
by Rene Pallesen

Baking bread - Walnut and Fig bread

6. February 2014 04:02 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

baking bread walnut and fig bread

At the moment I am going through a phase where I Loooveee baking bread.

There is something really satisfying about working with something that is so diverse and alive. And there is nothing like eating a freshly baked bread with a nice crust.

So far I have found a couple of recipes I really like...one of them is this walnut and fig bread.

On the weekend I made it for the family dinner and they wanted the recipe.

- 400g white flour into a bowl
- Add 100g of wholemeal flour
- Add 10g of sea salt flakes
- Add 5g of dry yeast into the bowl
- Add 335ml of water
- Mix it all together using your hand
- Kneed it by stretching it out on a table and then roll it up...do this 3-6 times
- flatten the bread to a thickness of about 15mm and then place walnuts and chopped figs on top. Roll up the bread with the walnuts and figs inside.
- Stretch the bread another couple of time and roll it up until the walnuts and figs are mixed into the bread.
- Put the bread in a bowl and cover it with glad wrap (or better yet, just leave it on the table and cover it with the bowl) for one hour...knock back the bread every 20 minutes (3 times in total).
- Leave the bread for another one hour (without knocking it back). After 30 minutes (30 minutes prior to baking) start preheating the oven with a baking/pizza stone at 250 degrees. Also put a small metal tray in the oven (for the ice cubes)
- Add a bit of semolina (or flour) to the baking stone and to the top of the bread to avoid it sticking.
- Place the bread on the baking stone and make a couple of cuts to the top of the dough.
- Add 3-4 ice cubes to the metal tray
- Close the oven and turn down the temperature to 200 degrees immediately.
- Bake for 30 minutes and remove from the oven.

23. January 2014 12:39
by Rene Pallesen

Hunter Valley Gardens light show.

23. January 2014 12:39 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

hunter valley gardens light show

Every year hunter valley garden put up a light show where they decorate part of the garden in christmas lights.

They leave this open until end of January, so this year we headed up there to have a look....enjoy.

Perfect Moments Photography | A Rene Pallesen Journal


17. October 2014 17:10
by Rene Pallesen

Water play

17. October 2014 17:10 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

Last weekend it was pretty warm here in Sydney and the lawn needed watering.I turned on the sprinkle
Last weekend it was pretty warm here in Sydney and the lawn needed watering.

I turned on the sprinkler and we let the boys have some water play.

16. October 2014 18:10
by Rene Pallesen

Playing with Dragons

16. October 2014 18:10 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

It is Friday, so time for a little photoshop fun.Lucas gets really scared whenever Aiden roars like
It is Friday, so time for a little photoshop fun.

Lucas gets really scared whenever Aiden roars like a dinosaur/dragon. When we went to the forest last weekend he again got scared and I snapped this photo and decided to insert a dragon into it.

13. October 2014 12:10
by Rene Pallesen

Sydney Harbour panorama

13. October 2014 12:10 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

This weekend when we went to Luna Park I took this panorama I took this panorama from the top of the
This weekend when we went to Luna Park I took this panorama I took this panorama from the top of the ferris wheel.

It is a series of 5 photos stitched together. The large one if amazing. You can clearly see individuals at Sydney Opera house and you can tell the colour of their clothes.

It was just taken handheld with my D800 and 50mm lens.

12. October 2014 12:10
by Rene Pallesen

Sammi's birthday at Luna Park

12. October 2014 12:10 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

This weekend we went Luna Park to celebrate Sammi's birthday.The kids (especially Aiden and Sammi) h
This weekend we went Luna Park to celebrate Sammi's birthday.

The kids (especially Aiden and Sammi) had loads of fun on the different rides.

11. October 2014 11:10
by Rene Pallesen

More from playing in the forest at Centennial Park

11. October 2014 11:10 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

Last weekend we made another excursion to Centennial. This time to a different and more open area (K
Last weekend we made another excursion to Centennial. This time to a different and more open area (Kim wanted to have picnic on the manicured lawn, but I convinced her to move into the trees so the kids could play).

They also wanted to go and play/climb on the rocks.

9. October 2014 09:10
by Rene Pallesen

Lots of oldies but goodies

9. October 2014 09:10 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

Here are a lot of individual photos of the kids that I haven't had a chance to post because they did
Here are a lot of individual photos of the kids that I haven't had a chance to post because they didn't really justify a post or not of the best quality.

First one is one of Lucas with face paint from daycare.

And he throws the biggest tantrums once in a while. Here is one on the street.

Here Aiden and Lucas are being silly and trying to balance on one leg.

And here is Aiden think he is stuck under the sofa (he is not).

Here he is very proud of his colouring in from daycare.

They both have the same bathrobes.

As a reward we took Aiden to the movies to watch 'How to train your dragon 2'.

We are still trying to teach Aiden how to ride a bicycle.

A scary hand.

They love their chocolate and ice cream.

Chilling out.



A beautiful sunset.

8. October 2014 11:10
by Rene Pallesen

Playing in the forest with the boys

8. October 2014 11:10 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

Last weekend kim was away for a girls weekend.While she was away I decided to go to the little fores
Last weekend kim was away for a girls weekend.

While she was away I decided to go to the little forested area of Centennial park and let the boys play amongst the trees.

They had a lot of fun just making up their own games.

8. October 2014 09:10
by Rene Pallesen

Childrens Paintings

8. October 2014 09:10 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

Aiden and Lucas are doing a lot of painting and drawing at daycare.Here is some of their better work
Aiden and Lucas are doing a lot of painting and drawing at daycare.

Here is some of their better work.

This one I call 'The water dragon' by Lucas

This is 'The night owl' by Aiden (Aiden calls it 'Wave')

8. October 2014 09:10
by Rene Pallesen

Lucas 2yo birthday

8. October 2014 09:10 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

Here is a couple of photos from Lucas' 2 year birthday with the family.
Here is a couple of photos from Lucas' 2 year birthday with the family.

5. October 2014 15:10
by Rene Pallesen

Open day - flower girl

5. October 2014 15:10 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

This is without a doubt my favourite photo of the day (and it was also one of the first I took).Ther
This is without a doubt my favourite photo of the day (and it was also one of the first I took).

There is something very serene and dream like about this photo that I really like, and the dreamy look or the model fits well.

Set & Lights: Studio 1A Sydney
Model: Jacqueline S (IKON)
HMUA: Donna Kalasho
Photo: Rene Pallesen