29. June 2015 13:07
by Rene Pallesen
25. June 2015 12:07
by Rene Pallesen
The pool at the hotel was great.
The kids loved it and it was nice jumping in the pool after an excursion out and about.

It really boosted the kids confidence swimming there.

If it had been up to Kim's family then they would have stayed at the pool the entire trip and not have left the hotel.
24. June 2015 11:07
by Rene Pallesen
There was also a monkey show with a larger trained monkey.
Apparently in the past they used trained monkeys to fetch coconuts for them and they demonstrated how they trained them.

Kim's dad had his photo taken with the monkey.
23. June 2015 11:07
by Rene Pallesen
They also had a snake show at the elephant place.
Some of the snakes were very poisonous such as this monocled cobra.

And the huge king cobra (which kept coming over the safety barrier).

Chong and I volunteered to hold the python.

I wonder how often the snake guy has been bitten by his snakes.
22. June 2015 11:07
by Rene Pallesen
21. June 2015 11:07
by Rene Pallesen
20. June 2015 08:07
by Rene Pallesen
19. June 2015 08:26
by Rene Pallesen
This year we traveled to Phuket in Thailand along with Kim's sisters family and her dad.

We had to fly via Bangkok, so we were a bit worried how the kids would handle the long flight (especially Lucas), but everyone handled it reasonably well.
The boys were very excited to be going on a big aeroplane.

Once we arrived to Bangkok it was pretty obvious to see that they were very excited.

The only thing that never made it all the way to the hotel was our stroller. We lost it somewhere between Phuket airport and the hotel...but wasn't a big loss and hopefully someone puts it to goo local use.
20. May 2015 12:05
by Rene Pallesen
It is time to renew Aiden passport and like last time there were a lot of outtakes that we could not use, but which were quite funny.
20. May 2015 11:05
by Rene Pallesen
Here is some more photos of my grandma and grandpa on my mothers side.
Here she is with her sisters (my grandma on the far right)

Here is some of her when she was young.

Here is one that I assume was taken in 1969 based on the date of the photo.

I think this one if my grandpa when he was young.

And here is some more.

And here is some family gathering photos.

I think it is her brother on the left. And my cousin Mette on the right.

And this is with my grandparents on my fathers side (left to right bedstefar, mormor, morfar, bedstemor, mum and Claus).