
26. January 2013 08:13
by Rene Pallesen

Darling Harbour - Pre Australia day

26. January 2013 08:13 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

darling harbour pre australia day

Last night we were at Darling Harbour with my dad having dinner. They had already started the pre-Australia Day celebrations with music and a light show on the harbour.

Dinner was very nice...but too much food.

26. January 2013 08:10
by Rene Pallesen

Lucas' Eye

26. January 2013 08:10 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

lucas eye

The other day I was playing around with some macro shots of Lucas and managed to shoot this photo of him...I had something else in mind, but this turned out quite nice (I think).

It was a real challenge to try and keep reflections out of his eye...and as you can see I didn't succeed using a shoot-through umbrella.

19. January 2013 07:54
by Rene Pallesen

Lucas 4 Months Photo

19. January 2013 07:54 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

lucas 4 months photo

Lucas is now 4 Months and here are his monthly photos.

Kim has him started on solids hoping that he will start sleeping through and he is almost able to sit and he has started babbling when we talk to him.

His favourite pass time is to eat his fingers and play with his feet.

18. January 2013 03:23
by Rene Pallesen

Heat Record in Sydney 46.4 Degrees

18. January 2013 03:23 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

heat record in sydney 46 4 degrees

Today was REALLY hot in Sydney.

We have had a couple of really hot (40C++) days in Sydney this summer but yesterday beat the current longstanding heat record from 1936.

In Sydney itself they measured 45.8C and at the Airport which is closer to us the measured 46.4C. At our place we measured more than 43C degrees at midday.

Fortunately yesterday was a lot cooler and because we knew that there was a hot day coming up we managed to cool down the place the during the night to a pleasant 25 degrees...and out house maintained that temperature for most of the day (apart from our study which gets really hot because of the big windows).

In the evening a cool change arrived with very strong winds and a bit of rain...we quickly opened all doors and windows to take advantage of it and cool down the place again...unfortunately this also came with a very fine layer of dust on everything next morning.

9. January 2013 04:23
by Rene Pallesen

Blog posts for 2012

9. January 2013 04:23 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

blog posts for 2012

2012 was a record blogging years for me...77 posts over the entire year...which means one new entry every 4.5 days, or in other terms something new to look at regularly.

I am hoping that 2013 will have equally many posts. I have now been blogging for more than 15 years and most if not all the posts can be seen here:

Click here

2. January 2013 01:37
by Rene Pallesen

Family Bedtime

2. January 2013 01:37 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

family bedtime

Here is another family photo that I had my Dad assist us with. It was easier to have him on a ladder taking the photo than trying to set it up on a lightstand.

It was lit by firing a group of flashes into the ceiling of the room...hopefully I will get a professional studio flash soon and will have some more power available for these types of photos.

I recon this is one of my favourite family photos from 2012.

2. January 2013 01:00
by Rene Pallesen

My dad with Aiden and Lucas 2013

2. January 2013 01:00 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

my dad with aiden and lucas 2013

For the next couple of weeks my Dad and his partner are renting a campervan to cruise down the coastline from Cairns back to Sydney (hopefully they enjoy the cool weather compared to the 41 degrees we had here in Sydney yesterday).

Before they left I managed to do a photo session with him and the kids to get some portraits.

Click here for more photos

I may try and do another one once they return on a darker background.

1. January 2013 09:53
by Rene Pallesen

New Years Day 2012/2013

1. January 2013 09:53 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

new years day 2012 2013

New Years day we organised a more of let spontaneous BBQ (well..it was organised day before) at one of our local parks with family and a couple of friends.

I think my dad was still a bit hung over from the day before, but we still managed to get him to do some of the BBQ'ing. They went to the city night before to see the big midnight fireworks while Aiden and myself went to Coogee to see the 9pm fireworks there with family (Kim stayed at home with Lucas).

Click here for more photos

Click here for more photos

...while Kims Dad was looking after Lucas.

Click here for more photos

30. December 2012 01:30
by Rene Pallesen

Duck feeding with my dad

30. December 2012 01:30 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

duck feeding with my dad

One afternoon we made the trip to Centennial park to go duck feedking with Aiden, but also to show our visitors one of the great parks of Sydney.

Aiden was very excited playing with my dad and running up and down the hills and checking out the big trees.

(photos courtesy of my dad)

27. December 2012 10:13
by Rene Pallesen

My Dad and Aiden bonding

27. December 2012 10:13 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

my dad and aiden bonding

So far my Dad and Aiden are bonding very well.

The first thing AIden asks for when he wakes up in the morning is 'Play Bedstefar' (play grandad) and wants to go and knock on his door to play with him.

My dad has been very patient with letting him jump while holding his hands, so now he wants to do it all the time.

Click here for more photos

Click here for more photos

He especially enjoys the two handed jump...

Click here for more photos

...so now he also wants it when we are walking him.

Click here for more photos

The jumping has come in handy as I have used it to trick Aiden to get in the water at Maroubra a few times.

My dad also reads him his story before he goes to bed at night...we will se over the next month whether we also can get him to change nappies, brush his teeth, feed him, dress him etc.
Perfect Moments Photography | A Rene Pallesen Journal


2. May 2013 08:09
by Rene Pallesen

Vanuatu - Waterfalls

2. May 2013 08:09 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

vanuatu waterfalls

There are a number of waterfalls on the main island Efete in Vanuatu.

Some of these are very accessible as they are right next to the road such as this one.

Others are a bit more of a hike, but definitely worth it...such as these ones at Mele.

Unfortunately the access to the falls is not being very well managed. They have cut steps into the limestone and scrubbing the surface to avoid people slipping when walking. Unfortunately this also erodes and changes the waterfalls and I think they should put a walking track adjacent to the falls instead.

2. May 2013 08:08
by Rene Pallesen

Vanuatu - Out and about

2. May 2013 08:08 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

vanuatu out and about

One day we hired a driver to take us around the island.

One of the places we stopped was the Blue Lagoon which is a small semi freshwater lagoon with large lime stone deposits making the water very blue to look at.

We also stopped at Turtle Bay which is supposed to be a turtle sanctuary...but for what it is (tiny) and the knowledge of your guide (none) very over prised.

But they did have some live coconut crabs.

Some baby turtles

And a couple of large turtles in a very small and dirty enclosure.

2. May 2013 07:33
by Rene Pallesen

Vanuatu - Around the hotel

2. May 2013 07:33 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

vanuatu around the hotel

The hotel we stayed at was in a great location at the back of the lagoon with a little private beach.

...and a Tam Tam out the front.

It was great using some of the watersport equipment such as kayaks and catemarans

And it had a golf course which we didn't get a chance to use.

Mostly we would just relax or swim when around the hotel.

2. May 2013 07:16
by Rene Pallesen

Vanuatu food

2. May 2013 07:16 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

vanuatu food

You would think that a country with access to some of the best seafood and freshest produce would have fantastic food.

Although the food was Ok, we didn't find it fantastic and generally very over prised.

There was plenty of restaurant in and around Port Vila and some of them serving specialties such as coconut crabs and flying foxes.

We tried the coconut crab...but it was overcooked and dry and had surprising little meat on it (no meat in the body itself).

So we stuck to more traditional seafood which most often was battered and deep fried.

And as usual Aiden got into the free kids menu desserts

2. May 2013 05:26
by Rene Pallesen

Lake Macquarie 2013

2. May 2013 05:26 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

lake macquarie 2013

This weekend we went up to Lake Macquarie with the family to stay for a couple of night at a resort. I didn't take a lot of photos because we either didn't do much or were too busy with the family.

I did however take this one photo one evening at Katherine Hill Bay.

1. May 2013 12:38
by Rene Pallesen

Vanuatu - Star fish

1. May 2013 12:38 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

vanuatu star fish

The beach at the hotel was full of really big and colourful star fish....couldn't help but take a few snapshots.

26. April 2013 10:46
by Rene Pallesen

Lucas 7 Months

26. April 2013 10:46 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

lucas 7 months

Lucas is now 7 Months and for this month we decided to take his Monthly photos while he was on his first overseas trip to Vanuatu.

This series of photos was taken at Eton Beach on the east side of the island of Efate in Vanuatu...he loved the water and had a hard time to understand that it is unpleasant to eat the sand and drink the salt water.

He is now almost able to crawl...he just needs to figure out that it is not enough to just move the legs...you also have to move your hands.

3. April 2013 07:20
by Rene Pallesen

Another old Lucas 4 months photo

3. April 2013 07:20 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

another old lucas 4 months photo

I know it was a couple of months ago, but I only now got around to processing it.

Here is another photo that I took of Lucas when he was 4 Months.

27. March 2013 11:15
by Rene Pallesen


27. March 2013 11:15 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments


The other night we went for dinner at Marks place. He asked us if we could help him take some photos of the kids Axolotls...our response was 'Their WHAT??'.

Anyway, it turns out to be some sort of Mexican Salamander and he'd attempted to get some photos using his point and shoot camera, but wanted something better that he could print and hang on the kids wall.

Here are some of my efforts:

27. March 2013 11:12
by Rene Pallesen

Sucking feet

27. March 2013 11:12 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

sucking feet

When Lucas doesn't have any toys to play with then his favourit pass time is to suck his feet. Here is a quick snapshot from the other day when he was at it again.

He's now got two teeth, so hopefully he wont chomp off his toes.