
30. June 2014 07:06
by Rene Pallesen

Excursion to the city

30. June 2014 07:06 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

Yesterday we decided to do a little excursion to Circular Quay and the Opera house with the boys.The
Yesterday we decided to do a little excursion to Circular Quay and the Opera house with the boys.

The both love trains, so we took the train into the city so that they could have the experience.

It was a cold and windy winters day here in Sydney so standing still for too long was freezing.

But it was great getting out and also get another family photo.

30. June 2014 07:06
by Rene Pallesen

Kims Birthday 2014

30. June 2014 07:06 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

It was Kim's birthday on the weekend.In the morning the boys and I woke her up with singing Happy Bi
It was Kim's birthday on the weekend.

In the morning the boys and I woke her up with singing Happy Birthday to her.

In the evening we had a babysitter so that we could have an evening just the two of us. We went to the Bridge Room restaurant in the city, food was nice!

10. June 2014 11:06
by Rene Pallesen

Spiderman face paint

10. June 2014 11:06 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

The other day Aiden cam back from daycare with Spiderman face paint.Normally he avoids face paint so
The other day Aiden cam back from daycare with Spiderman face paint.

Normally he avoids face paint so him having the whole face painted was a first.

10. June 2014 11:06
by Rene Pallesen

Mothers day card 2014

10. June 2014 11:06 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

Here is the Mothers day card that Aiden made this year.
Here is the Mothers day card that Aiden made this year.

10. June 2014 11:06
by Rene Pallesen

Bumble Bee

10. June 2014 11:06 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

Recently Kim bought Aiden a yellow bumble bee umbrella and gumboots.They will come in handy now that
Recently Kim bought Aiden a yellow bumble bee umbrella and gumboots.

They will come in handy now that winter is here.

10. June 2014 11:06
by Rene Pallesen

Aidens 4th Birthday

10. June 2014 11:06 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

This weekend we celebrated Aiden's 4th Birthday.Because of the weather forecast we decided to have i
This weekend we celebrated Aiden's 4th Birthday.

Because of the weather forecast we decided to have it here at home rather than at the park as originally planned.

As entertainment we had hired a pirate who came to do magic tricks and games with the kids for a few hours.

We had combined Adams and Aidens birthday parties so there were a lot of kids and parents and lots of food and cake.

14. May 2014 07:05
by Rene Pallesen

Aiden at the filming of 'Play along with Sam'

14. May 2014 07:05 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

Yesterday Aiden went with his daycare group to the filming of 'Play along with Sam'.All very formal
Yesterday Aiden went with his daycare group to the filming of 'Play along with Sam'.

All very formal with model release forms to be signed, what T-shirts they had to wear etc. Aiden said that he liked the dancing!

I hope we get a chance to see the show at some stage and it will be interesting to see if we can see Aiden in it (he was sitting to the side).

8. May 2014 11:05
by Rene Pallesen

Aiden meets the Rabbitohs

8. May 2014 11:05 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

Earlier this week Aiden went with daycare to the local park and they happened to meet some of the pl
Earlier this week Aiden went with daycare to the local park and they happened to meet some of the players from the Rabbitohs (National Rugby League).

Apparently he went missing from the group at one point and when they went looking for him it turned out that he was chatting to the players.

5. May 2014 15:05
by Rene Pallesen

Australian Museum - Dinosaurs

5. May 2014 15:05 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

Autumn has arrived and this weekend was really cold and wet so we decided that Sunday morning should
Autumn has arrived and this weekend was really cold and wet so we decided that Sunday morning should be a museum day.

We had heard that the Australian Museum has a dinosaur exhibition on, so we thought this could be fun for the kids.

They had some pretty cool interactive displays on where you could interact with the dinosaurs.

The kids handled it pretty well without being too scared (although they jumped a few times when they heard the loud roars).

Some of the displays were pretty scary.

And Aiden certainly wasn't too happy about posing next to the big teeth (reminds me of a photo with a crocodile from last year).

...so dad had to show him that it wasn't scary at all.

The skeletons were really impressive.

Lucas was hing a good time staying close to mummy.

And Aiden was having a great time exploring.

4. May 2014 09:05
by Rene Pallesen

Don Quixote - The Russian Ballet

4. May 2014 09:05 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

This weekend Kim and I went to the State Theatre in Sydney to watch the Russian ballet perform Don Q
This weekend Kim and I went to the State Theatre in Sydney to watch the Russian ballet perform Don Quixote.

The performance was pretty good and apparently they will be back next year performing Swan Lake.

Perfect Moments Photography | A Rene Pallesen Journal


27. February 2007 12:53
by Rene Pallesen

Added photos from 2004

27. February 2007 12:53 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

added photos from 2004

I have now added photos from 2004. The highlights from this year was a trip to the United States and Canada as well as a family trip to Egypt. This was also the year that Australia entered the war in Iraq, so there are a couple of photos from the anti war demonstrations.

Click here to read about 2004Click here to read about 2004

27. February 2007 10:25
by Rene Pallesen

Added photos from Portugal 2006

27. February 2007 10:25 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

added photos from portugal

In Mid 2006 I was in Portugal for our International Partner Conference with the company.

It was a week of being busy setting up for the conference, socialising but also a lot of fun and partying.

The bridge across the river in Lisbon
Click here to see more photos from:Portugal/Slideshow

27. February 2007 08:14
by Rene Pallesen

Added photos from The Blue Mountains 2006

27. February 2007 08:14 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

added photos from the blue mountains 2007

I quite regularly head up to the Blue Mountains to go Rock Climbing.

We normally camp overnight and then depending on the weather and temperature decide on the day what walls we are going climbing on. The photos in the gallery are a selection of some of the photos I've taken in 2006, but there will be more to come in 2007.

Unfortunately I don't have a lot of photos of me climbing as I tend to forget to pass my camera to someone else.

Most of the time I go with my friend Sarah, but she has now moved to Canberra so she doesn't come up there as often as she used to.

Click here to see more photos from: Climbing in the Blue Mountains/Slideshow

27. February 2007 07:47
by Rene Pallesen

Added photos from Tokyo

27. February 2007 07:47 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

added photos from tokyo

In September 2006 I went on a business trip to Tokyo along with a colleague of mine Tsukada-san.

Most of the trip was hard work and very long days, but I did manage to snap a couple of photos here and there.

We did get the deal in Tokyo, so the trip was worthwhile, and we are now installing our solution across all of Asia.

Girls in Kimono
Click here to see more photos from: Tokyo/Slideshow

27. February 2007 02:36
by Rene Pallesen

Added photos from Denmark 2006

27. February 2007 02:36 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

added photos from denmark 2006

In early 2006 my Mum had a stroke while my parents were on holiday in Thailand.

A few months later in April when I was in Europe for work I used the opportunity to go and visit and check up on how my mum is doing.

She is now in a wheelchair and still getting used to finding new ways of doing things.

I didn't do much while I was there, because it was mainly a social visit to help my mum and dad.

My mum
Click here to see more photos from: Denmark/Slideshow

27. February 2007 02:17
by Rene Pallesen

Added a photo album for various photos 2006

27. February 2007 02:17 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

added a photo album for various photos 2006

I have a number of photos that don't really justify being in individual albums. I have now added all these photos from 2006 into one album.

Who's the clown? Click here to see more photos from: Miscellaneous/Slideshow

27. February 2007 01:41
by Rene Pallesen

Added photos from USA 2006

27. February 2007 01:41 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

added photos from usa

In early 2006 I went a trip to Seattle for our annual kick-off event.

Some of us flew over there a few days early to go skiing in Wanatchee east of Seattle. If was a weekend of perfect skiing. It was my first time skiing so I took some lessons after which I was doing fine (blue slopes).

During the week we had lots of meetings and dinners. There were award nights as well as just social nights where we could meet up with the rest of the company.

The following all of us in International went down to Crystal Mountain at Mount Raineer to do some more skiing. It was a lot of fun and we all had a great time.

Me with Mount Raineer in the background
Click here to see more photos from: USA/Slideshow

27. February 2007 01:30
by Rene Pallesen

Added photos from skiing in Thredbo 2006

27. February 2007 01:30 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

added photos from skiing in thredbo 2006

Mid 2006 I went with Soeren and his family (visiting from Thailand) to Thredbo to do some skiing. We drove down there Friday night and returned Sunday night. Thredbo is located in the Australian Alps 5 hours drive south of Sydney.

Generally the skiing conditions are pretty good, but last year was pretty bad, but we did get some skiing done. Soeren on skiis
Click here to see more photos from:Skiing in Australia 2006/Slideshow

27. February 2007 01:05
by Rene Pallesen

Added photos from Holland 2006

27. February 2007 01:05 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

added photos from holland 2006

In 2006 I went to Holland a couple of time for work. We have an office in Vianen 50 milometers outside Amsterdam.

I normally don't take a lot of photos when I go there, but if you click on the link below then you can see some of the ones I did take.

Click here to see more photos from:Holland/Slideshow

4. January 2007 12:27
by Rene Pallesen

2008 has started

4. January 2007 12:27 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

2008 has started

The year 2007 as you can see was a busy year with lots of traveling and adventures.

It is now time to move onto 2008 and see what this year can bring.

You can follow my adventures in 2008 by clicking on this link.

Can I at the same time suggest that you bookmark this page and I can highly recommend using the new RSS feed features on this website.
Perfect Moments Photography | A Rene Pallesen Journal


10. June 2012 08:18
by Rene Pallesen

Aiden's 2yo Birthday with the Family

10. June 2012 08:18 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

aiden birthday with the family

Today we celebrated Aidens birthday with the family.

In the morning we all had Yum Cha and afterwards we took all the kids to Little Dynamos to play.

In the evening we had the family over for steamboat and cake. Great opportunity to take a new family photo with the latest member of the family...Emma.

8. June 2012 11:00
by Rene Pallesen

One year

8. June 2012 11:00 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

one year

Today it was one year ago that my my Mum and Aidens Grandma passed away.

I am still sad that Aiden never met her but I am hoping that he will get to know Bedstefar better as he is growing up.

I am also glad that Aiden will have a brother to keep each other company and I hope the two of them will be close and grow old together.

I still have a suitcase sitting here full of photos that I one day will get the courage tp go through...but not anytime soon.

7. June 2012 04:26
by Rene Pallesen

Aiden's 2 yo Birthday

7. June 2012 04:26 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

aiden s 2 yo birthday

Today was Aidens second birthday...time flies!

We had a Birthday cake for him with the family and sang Happy Birthday and let him blow out the candle.

6. June 2012 02:28
by Rene Pallesen

Passing of Venus

6. June 2012 02:28 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

passing of venus

Today is a very unique day in that the planet Venus passed over the disc of the Sun. The next such passing wont happen for another 105 years.

And it is even more interesting since we recently returned from Tahiti where Captain Cook observed the last passing several hundred years ago.

Here in sydney it was a very cloudy day, but I did manage to snap a couple of photos using a very powerful lens covered with dark filters. It is a planet Venus at the 7 o'clock on the sun in the photo.

5. June 2012 07:50
by Rene Pallesen

Camera returned for warranty

5. June 2012 07:50 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

camera returned for warranty

Bummer...I had to return the camera yesterday. It was driving me mad with back focusing...not what you would expect from a $3000 camera. Hopefully they will be able to fix the issue, but unfortunately they are saying that there is a 21 day turnaround. The focus was 5cm off which is critical especially then taking portraits.

I did however manage to take a couple of photos that were ok and a bit of video with it on Sunday inside a very dark ten-pin bowling place (it was Kayla's birthday party) with all kinds of weird lighting. I was shooting at insanely high iso (12800) and I must say that I general I was pretty impressed.

Especially impressed with how fast I could shoot with lots of kids running around. They are totally usable for my blog and online posting although I wouldn't enlarge them. There was a lot of noise at these high ISO's, but most of it could be managed to a certain degree in Lightroom.

Later I was shooting with KC's camera at the lunch table...there was more light and I was strugling with taking photos using natural light.

31. May 2012 07:59
by Rene Pallesen

New camera - Nikon D800

31. May 2012 07:59 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

new camera d800

Today I picked up my new camera. It is the new Nikon D800 and is currently one of the most sought after cameras on the market.

I have been wanting to get a full frame camera for some time now and this was the one for me to get...the reviews are excellent.

I pre-ordered it shortly after is was announced and has been waiting for over three months for it to arrive...but it is finally here.

It will be a steep learning curve to get used to all the new features of the camera and it will be a sad goodbye to my almost 10 year old D50 entry level camera.

I am now moving from 5 auto focus points to 51...from 6 Megapixels to 36 megapixels...max 1600 ISO to 25600 ISO...no bells and whistles to having features such as Video, Timelapse, HDR, face detection, live view, aparture preview...and the list goes on...

The D50 has served me well, but it is definitely time to move on as the technology has advanced so much. Not sure what I do with the old camera...but I will most likely end up selling it.

14. May 2012 06:55
by Rene Pallesen

Mothers day with Autumn colours in Mt Wilson

14. May 2012 06:55 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

mothers day with autumn colours in mt wilson

It is Autumn here in Sydney and today the forecast was for 19 degrees and sunny...the first cool'ish day here. In the morning we went with Kims family to the cemetry to visit Kims mum. After this we were planning to head up to the Blue Mountains to Mt Wilson to visit some of the private gardens to take photos of the Autumn colours and get some new family photos of Kim, Aiden and I.

When we arrived it was really windy and only 7 degrees (later it dropped to 5 degrees). We had dressed for the cold, but Dylan who had joined us on the spur of the moment was a bit underdressed and cold so he borrowed a spare jumper I had with me. We immediately found a pile of leaves and they started having fun throwing them up in the air.

Click here for more photos

Click here for more photos

Click here for more photos

We decided to visit the Yengo Sculpture garden and the owner came to greet us, tell us about the garden and charge for the entry.

Click here for more photos

Click here for more photos

Click here for more photos

Click here for more photos

Click here for more photos

The garden was very nice and the colours were awesome.

Click here for more photos

Click here for more photos

Click here for more photos

Click here for more photos

Click here for more photos

Click here for more photos

Click here for more photos

There were lots of sculptures hidden around the garden.

Click here for more photos

Dylan got a bit upset because we had to scold him for running around (this was a private garden so deserved a bit of respect), throwing pebbles, thrashing my camera gear and keeping to run into the frame of the photo I was trying to take. I had also been trying to get a bit interested in what he is seeing around him to learn more things and asking him if he was interested in some of the lookouts to experience one of the most beautiful places in Australia, as well as look at the things in antique shops etc., but he was totally dis-interested..."you can drag the horse to the water, but you can force it to drink".

Click here for more photos

After the garden Aiden was really tired and cold and we were getting hungry, so we decided to head back and stop along the way for lunch. It was good timing as it started to rain a little. I decided to drive on the great western highway as there were more options for food and I though it would be quicker getting back...turned out everyone else had the same idea so it was at a crawl.

12. May 2012 07:56
by Rene Pallesen

An Officer and a Gentleman

12. May 2012 07:56 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

an officer and a gentleman

Today Kim and I went to the Lyrics Theatre to see the 'An Officer and Gentleman' musical.

It was a remake of the 1982 movie, but on the stage.

It was ok but nothing special. The acting and singing was great, but the screenplay itself as well as the music/lyrics could have been more original and the stage setup was pretty basic.

7. May 2012 05:45
by Rene Pallesen

Halfway there - Baby brother for Aiden

7. May 2012 05:45 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

halfway there

Kim is pregnant again and we are now halfway there and on Monday we went for the halfway scans (due late September).

Everything is on track and looking good so far (5 fingers and toes etc.). For the first time we were able to tell the gender of the baby and it turns out that we are expecting a little brother to Aiden.

This means that Aiden very soon will have someone to play with here at home.

25. April 2012 03:07
by Rene Pallesen

Kurnell walk

25. April 2012 03:07 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

kurnell walk

Today was Anzac day. We decided to use the day to explore some of the local area in the National Park on the other side of Botany bay near Kurnell.

It was very windy (Aiden wasn't happy with the wind). The walk along the coast is easy an quite scenic. There is even a small lighthouse about a kilometer down the track and the rocks have cook textures.