
10. January 2003 10:53
by Rene Pallesen

Mum and Dad in Sydney 2003

10. January 2003 10:53 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

mum and dad in sydney

My mum and dad spent some time in Sydney over christmas and New Year.

While they were here I raught my dad how to absail.

And for Christmas I gave my parents some tickets for the Sydney Harbour bridge walk (they gave Arumi a ticket too).

1. November 2002 11:19
by Rene Pallesen

My brothers funeral

1. November 2002 11:19 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

my brothers funeral

My brother passed away in the end of 2002. He had been suffering badly from his disease for almost a decade and eventually it got the better of him.

I still miss him a lot even though we weren't close when he was alive....but I still feel him close to me to this day!

I still light a candle for him once in a while.

His two biggest wishes in life was to become a professional tennis player...he was a pretty damn good player and I never played against him because I didn't have a chance.

His second biggest wish was to get himself a girlfriend. This is one of the last photos that was taken of him.

I still blame the psychiatric system in Denmark for what happened. They were too focused on treating his disease with medication and never paid any attention on teaching him to live with his disease and provide quality in life.

I still love him very much and I really miss him. I also regret that I wasn't there more for him.

He always looked after me and he has never hurt anyone.

This is the last family photo that was taken.

I would appreciate if you click here to see some of the photos from my brothers life: May he not be forgotten

26. October 2002 11:09
by Rene Pallesen

My Memories of Claus . . .

26. October 2002 11:09 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

my memories of claus

Amstmester - Claus Pallesen (newspaper article)Claus at tennis practice
Before Claus became ill, he was a rising star in the world of tennis. He was featured in the local newspaper as Amtsmester - he came first in the local "Amst" - level similar to state-level.
Claus the Skipper!Claus sunbaking
Claus and Far!

Claus and MorTrip to Karrebæksminde, during René's and Arumi's visit to Denmark (June 2002)
Claus loved being out in the wind and the sun. He was also prone to seasickness.
Claus & Mor at Freshwater BayEating oysters in SydneyClaus with Anne
At one of beaches in SydneyAt my old apartment in Narrabeen, Sydney
Claus and my family came to visit me in Australia in 1999. I think he liked it here - warmer winters and friendly people. I really like the top middle photo, of Claus eating oysters. He looked very happy. They did a lot of sightseeing here, and even visited my apartment on Narrabeen beach.
Young Claus with MorAt airport - when René and Arumi leave Denmark
Claus in MorroccoClaus in Morrocco
In North SjællandRené & Claus at Sonja's 60th birthday celebrations
In Tenerife
blue line
The following are the last photos that were taken of Claus, on one of our sailing trips.
Alle i arbejdeLastekajen
Lasten vokserClaus arbejder
Kurt arbejderLasten klar

26. October 2002 11:08
by Rene Pallesen

My Dear Big Brother...

26. October 2002 11:08 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

my dear big brother

My brother had schizophrenia, and he passed away not long after his 33rd birthday.

I love my brother, and I regret not telling him this. My girlfriend tells me that Claus knew I loved him.
I am not convinced of this, so I wrote him a letter, in the hope that he will read this, wherever he is.

There is so much I wanted to say to him.

I want to remember him when he was not sick, when he was happy, and when I was last in Denmark in June 2002. I want to remember him, as you will see him in these photos.
blue line
Claus and I wearing Christmas hats

Claus' Christening

The Family

Big Brother

26. October 2002 10:35
by Rene Pallesen

My Big Brother

26. October 2002 10:35 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

my big brother
My Big Brother . . .

Sharing toysOur favourite dog
Winter-timeOur first skiisChristmas together
Christmas ElvesAlways together
Friends in KenyaIn school uniform, in KenyaSitting with our cousins

Created: 8 Oct 2002 Last Updated: 24 Oct 2002

10. June 2002 11:47
by Rene Pallesen


10. June 2002 11:47 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments


On the way back from Denmark we made a stopover in Singapore to have a look as well as do some shopping.

Here a photo from Little India in Singapore.

4. June 2002 11:36
by Rene Pallesen

My mums birthday

4. June 2002 11:36 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

my mums birthday

We surprised my Mum by turning up in Denmark before her 60th Birthday.

She had a big party where a lot of her friends and family turned up.

Click here to see more photos

While we were there we also got to visit some of my friends and family as well as do a bit of Sightseeing in Copenhagen and Legoland. Click here to see more photos from: Mums 60th Birthday/Slideshow

29. March 2002 02:52
by Rene Pallesen

Drive in Australia

29. March 2002 02:52 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

drive in australia

Over the Christmas holidays we went for a drive through some of the most scenic parts of Australia.

First we drive down to Melbourne and then along the Great Ocean Road to Adelaide.

Click here to see more photos

The sunsets were spectacular.

Click here for more photos

We then continued up to the Flinders Ranges and along the way had a look at cave paintings.

Click here to see more photos

In Broken hill we went down into the old Daydream silvermine.

Click here to see more photos

We also had a look at some of the Desert Sculptures

Click here to see more photos

Along the way we saw some Australian Wildlife. Here a wombat.

Click here to see more photos

And here a possum.

Click here for more photos

Lots of Koalas

Click here for more photos

And here one very angry Lizard.

Click here for more photos

And of course some Emus.

Click here for more photos

We were camping along the way.

Click here for more photos

Click here to see more photos from Driving in Australia / Slideshow
Perfect Moments Photography | A Rene Pallesen Journal


6. May 2022 22:05
by Rene Pallesen

All brown belts

6. May 2022 22:05 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

We just finished another grading as a family. This time the boys and Kim graded to their first brown
We just finished another grading as a family. This time the boys and Kim graded to their first brown belts and I graded to my third brown belt.

We were supposed to have graded about a month ago, but because of Kims dad's funeral we had to postpone it for a month.

It therefore turned out to be just a mini grading with just the four of us as a family.

Now it will be quite a while before any of us are grading again. The boys need to get a fair bit stronger before grading for the next belt based on the feedback. I will need to start working towards the black, so Kim will probably be the next one grading towards the end of the year.



25. April 2022 20:04
by Rene Pallesen

Camping Lake Lyell

25. April 2022 20:04 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

The boys putting up the tent.Our campground from across the lake.Teaching the boys to fish (only cau
The boys putting up the tent.

Our campground from across the lake.

Teaching the boys to fish (only caught seaweed).

The kids spent hours climbing up and down this little hill.

Lots of brains trying to put up a gazebo. Eventually we had to consult the instructions.

Sunset scenery

It was raining so we gathered under the canopy.

Lots of curious ducks (waiting to be fed).

Spotted a 2016 vintage from Coonawarra...had to try it.

Scenery from our camp ground.

Great selfie with Lucas and I.

More spectacular scenery.

Cuties in the hammock.

I have seen steam tractors in museums before, but this is the first time I have seen one that is still functioning. This one is from 1913.

One day we went mushroom picking. These ones you definitely can't eat.

And these ones you can.

First time I have seen a Leopard Slug.

A pretty good picking...

The kids found a bird skeleton. It could be a dead lyrebird, or maybe a dodo.

20. April 2022 14:04
by Rene Pallesen

Various 2022

20. April 2022 14:04 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

Here are some various photos from first part of 2022.Here is one of Aiden in his happy space at the
Here are some various photos from first part of 2022.

Here is one of Aiden in his happy space at the Piano and Guitar.

At Cabramatta we sat down having an asian drink. It looked so much like one of the birds from Angry bird that I just had to get a photo. See the resemblance?

This is a Lego truck that Lucas built.

At karate Aiden is sometimes asked to teach the newbies. It is great to see how it gives him confidence.

Aiden went to a birthday party with a Virtual Reality experience...a bit scary for him.

The local corner shop was refitted for a TV show.

Easter egg loot.

What do the boys get up to in their room sometimes???

Family photo at QVB

Having desserts in the city

A seal resting on the rocks at the opera house.

20. April 2022 14:04
by Rene Pallesen

National Park Walk

20. April 2022 14:04 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

While at Warilla Beach we one day did a walk at the Macquarie Pass National park. This was an easy w
While at Warilla Beach we one day did a walk at the Macquarie Pass National park. This was an easy walk with the reward of a waterfall at the end of the walk.

20. April 2022 13:04
by Rene Pallesen

Nan Tien Temple

20. April 2022 13:04 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

One one of our trips down south we visited the Nan Tien temple south of Sydney.It is a Chinese Buddh
One one of our trips down south we visited the Nan Tien temple south of Sydney.

It is a Chinese Buddhist temple that is worth a relaxing visit for anyone with some time.

20. April 2022 13:04
by Rene Pallesen

Warilla Beach 2022

20. April 2022 13:04 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

During the Christmas holidays we rented a place at Warilla Beach a couple of hours south of Sydney.W
During the Christmas holidays we rented a place at Warilla Beach a couple of hours south of Sydney.

We discovered that the beach has pipies in the sand, so every day we made sure that we harvested a plate full of them for dinner.

We brought Aidens new guitar, so that he was able to practice his music while enjoying the scenery.

The kids also attended online drawing lessons.

It was a beautiful spot to sit on the balcony, enjoy the view and have some great food (including fresh pipies).

One day we also visited the Jambaroo Water park. This was a disappointment with long queues at every ride and Aiden was too scared to do any rides so it was a bit of a miserable day.

13. April 2022 10:04
by Rene Pallesen

Ethans 21st Birthday

13. April 2022 10:04 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

Last weekend it was Ethans 21st Birthday. He had a bit party with the whole family and his friends.T
Last weekend it was Ethans 21st Birthday. He had a bit party with the whole family and his friends.

They had arranged for catering with lots of Cambodian, Laotian and other asian foods.

5. April 2022 19:04
by Rene Pallesen

Dad in Sydney 2022

5. April 2022 19:04 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

It has been three years since I last spent time with my dad. This is due to Australia closing its bo
It has been three years since I last spent time with my dad. This is due to Australia closing its borders for two years due to the Covid pandemic.

As soon as they announced opening the borders again in February my dad booked his ticket to come a visit.

It was really nice to have him here and different from when he has been here previously. For starters, he was here by himself which was a different dynamic and also Aiden and Lucas have grown older and really enjoyed bonding with 'Bedstefar'. Especially Aiden and my dad found that they had music in common and Aiden took great prise in being able to play some of the pieces on piano that my dad was able to sing.

I really enjoyed having a few beers (and other good stuff) with him while he was here.

A couple of years ago I bough a machine to transfer my dads and grandads old 8mm film to digital. Because of the pandemic I was never able to try it out. My dad brought one of his films to do a trial transfer. It worked really well and he'd now brought it back to Denmark with him to transfer the rest.

One afternoon dad and I went up to the Barrenjoey lighthouse. My dad is still able to do it although he is a bit slower and not as strong as he used to be.

5. April 2022 19:04
by Rene Pallesen

Father in law passed away

5. April 2022 19:04 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

Kims dad passed away 92 years old. He will be greatly missed by his daughters, grandchildren, grands
Kims dad passed away 92 years old. He will be greatly missed by his daughters, grandchildren, grandsons and friends.

It was a beautiful funeral following chinese traditions with wearing white clothes to celebrate a long life.

Aiden played a beautiful song on the piano in front of everyone and we had put together slides showing his life.

Day after we did the traditional cleaning of the tomb stone and also the burning of paper clothes and money (theory is that it will then go to the afterlife for him to wear).

I hope that the boys are old enough to remember their time with him.

Even though his old body was failing him, his mind was still sharp enough to play Mahjong and other games with us. These photos are from our last trip with him down to Bowral.

5. April 2022 15:04
by Rene Pallesen

Lucas awesome checkmate award

5. April 2022 15:04 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

Lucas is part of the schools chess club.The other day he was very proud that he'd received this awar
Lucas is part of the schools chess club.

The other day he was very proud that he'd received this award.