22. July 2013 06:53
by Rene Pallesen
This weekend we went to the local park to get a photo of Lucas for his 'First Year' album.
We wanted to get some photos of him on the swing.

But we also managed to snap a couple with Aiden...
21. July 2013 07:51
by Rene Pallesen
Aiden has started playing soccer (not real soccer, but they do get to kick a ball).
He is very proud that he has real soccer shirts and shorts.

We started taking him to assist him with his development. We are starting to see some progress but he is still a bit behind his age group.
21. July 2013 07:48
by Rene Pallesen
Aiden and I often sit and build Lego together (Sometimes Lucas also joins us, but he is better at taking it apart).
One day we build this Lego turtle worthy of a photo...Aiden had great fun pushing it along the ground.
21. July 2013 07:47
by Rene Pallesen
Kim likes baking too and these days she will ask Aiden to help her.
Her cakes usually looks much better than any of my efforts.
21. July 2013 07:42
by Rene Pallesen
A couple of weeks ago I tried to bake Ciabata bread.
It is a long process that takes about 24 hours (first you have to make this yeast and flour sponge which you then later use for the end result).
I substituted normal flour for wholemeal. This was the end result.

The taste was ok, but it was too dry for my liking...so will have to try again one day.
28. June 2013 07:40
by Rene Pallesen
Light bulbs are really rare now as you can't buy them in the shops any longer.
We still have one in the cupboard so I decided to have a bit of fun with it one evening...
28. June 2013 07:25
by Rene Pallesen
13. June 2013 09:48
by Rene Pallesen
Lucas is now 9 month old and the other day we went to the park to do some Autumn photos with him.
The photo of the day was definitely this one of Kim and Lucas having a moment together.

It was hard because he wanted to crawl around and play and because it was the middle of the day the light was pretty harsh.

We also tried to take some at one of the small bridges in the park but they were shooting a commercial shoot there and Lucas was more interested in trying to get into the water than posing.

And when we tried a family photo he didn't want to sit still.
13. June 2013 09:45
by Rene Pallesen
For Lucas 8 month photo we decided to do a profile photo of the four of us just like we had with Aiden.

A bit more difficult this time because there we two kids and getting them to look in the right direction and keep the right face expression.
13. June 2013 09:42
by Rene Pallesen
Last week it was Aidens 3rd Birthday.
We celebrated it by singing happy birthday and having cake.

For his birthday he got a new car as well as some new shoes.