23. January 2015 15:01
by Rene Pallesen
My time in Kenya was every kids dream.
I got see and do things that few other kids had a chance of doing and it definitely had a big impact on my adult life.

Living at Lake Victoria gave me the chance of catching the biggest fish I have ever caught (A 56pound/25kg Nile Perch).

I also caught the smallest fish I have ever caught in that same lake.

We didn't need fancy fishing gear, just a stick with a piece of line on it.

Life, going to school and emerged in a different culture was a different kind of life (This is our house maid, my brother and my grandmother in front of our house).

This is Filistus another of our house maids. She was working for us most of our time there (we found out the she died from a bad case of malaria years after we left).

Here we are riding a 100 year old turtle.

Life with my brother was also very different. He discovered his talent for Tennis in Kenya and could whoop most of the adults arse when he was 12yo.

No hair dressers around so we also had the worst hair cuts.

There wasn't a lot of Europeans around so we'd know most with a 100km radius.

Family life was simple (not TV) but good.

Our dog was part of the family and made quite a few trips to Kenya.

Every afternoon was spent at the Nyanza Country club where Claus played Tennis and we went swimming.
I taught myself to swim and owe these days to how solid a swimmer I am today...I got really upset that I couldn't swim and my stubborness kicked in and I became determined to learn...fast.

Some of the less memorable moments were the school plays where I was dressed up as a big bird.

Here is one of Claus singing in the choir.