
26. December 2020 16:12
by Rene Pallesen

Christmas Photo 2020

26. December 2020 16:12 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

Keeping with tradition we did another family photoshoot this year.This time we wanted to try somethi
Keeping with tradition we did another family photoshoot this year.

This time we wanted to try something a bit more ambitious with a boxed setup where the individual boxes tell a bit more of a story.

I couldn't find an existing box that was big enough to fit me as well as the boys together, so I had to build one myself. I decided on the dimensions 90x90cm (as this was one of the dimensions that I could buy and also transport). I then had to cut it, paint it and nail it together. I had to do all this inside the house as the box is too big to fit through a door.

26. December 2020 14:03
by Rene Pallesen

New bikes

26. December 2020 14:03 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

For Christmas the boys got new bikes from us and my dad (bedstefar).The old were getting too small,
For Christmas the boys got new bikes from us and my dad (bedstefar).

The old were getting too small, so needed something bigger....

22. December 2020 01:03
by Rene Pallesen


22. December 2020 01:03 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

One day we went playing bowling...I had a dream round where I played my best game ever (including a
One day we went playing bowling...I had a dream round where I played my best game ever (including a turkey - three strikes in a row).

22. December 2020 01:03
by Rene Pallesen

Boys Soccer

22. December 2020 01:03 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

This year both the boys played soccer for the first time.They made some good friends while playing a
This year both the boys played soccer for the first time.

They made some good friends while playing and did pretty good considering it was the first time.

Lucas' team won the competition in his age group. Aiden made a great effort considering he is a head shorter than all the other boys in his age group.

22. December 2020 01:03
by Rene Pallesen

Kims dads 90th

22. December 2020 01:03 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

Kims dad celebrated his 90th(we think) Birthday this year.He is mostly bedridden these days, but we
Kims dad celebrated his 90th(we think) Birthday this year.

He is mostly bedridden these days, but we managed to get him downstairs to celebrate on this day.

22. December 2020 01:03
by Rene Pallesen

Painting - date night

22. December 2020 01:03 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

One evening we were invited on a double date with one of Kims friends.The theme was painting and we
One evening we were invited on a double date with one of Kims friends.

The theme was painting and we were to make an abstract painting of eachother.

Next day the boys tried to draw their versions.

22. December 2020 00:03
by Rene Pallesen

Various kids activities

22. December 2020 00:03 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

Strange year indeed, and other than a few things, it is remarkably the same.The kids have still done
Strange year indeed, and other than a few things, it is remarkably the same.

The kids have still done a lot of activities and here are some of them.

Aiden hanging out with his friend Jake at the beach.

Mini golf with Sammi.

Doing puzzles at home.

Aiden had patience to do one of the simpler ones.

Me trying to teach them how to use photoshop...not a bad result for a first try.

Painting the old way.

One of Aidens favourite drawings. It got soaked by accident and he was absolutely devastated. I managed to rescue it somewhat and take this photo.

He went through a phase where he was obsessed with the Titanic.

He was also into Harry Potter and made a drawing of the sorting hat.

I took Aiden out for a run and he did 4.5km without a break...very proud.

Ice skating with friends

Backyard tennis

Ice cream

Karate - Lucas got to wear a black belt after doing a 3 minute plank.

Their Kumite (sparring) gear.

Aiden reading a bit. Reading is really difficult for him. He can read all the words and sentences perfectly, but it is hard for him to comprehend the stories he reads (almost like he is unable to visualise and imagine the story as he reads it.).

21. December 2020 17:03
by Rene Pallesen

Covid backyard camping

21. December 2020 17:03 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

During the lockdown we spent a lot of time in our backyard having a firepit on the weekends.One week
During the lockdown we spent a lot of time in our backyard having a firepit on the weekends.

One weekend I put up my old tent and I camped in the backyard with the boys...they had a blast.

21. December 2020 17:03
by Rene Pallesen

Coastal Walk - Kamay national park

21. December 2020 17:03 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

On the other side of Botany Bay is Kamay national park.On a very stormy day we went for a walk over
On the other side of Botany Bay is Kamay national park.

On a very stormy day we went for a walk over there to experience the wild weather.

21. December 2020 13:03
by Rene Pallesen

Harry Potter

21. December 2020 13:03 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

Aiden likes to dress up, this time like harry potter...
Aiden likes to dress up, this time like harry potter...

Perfect Moments Photography | A Rene Pallesen Journal


1. May 2014 15:05
by Rene Pallesen

Toronga Zoo April 2014

1. May 2014 15:05 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

A couple of weeks ago we made a trip to Taronga Zoo.One of the families from daycare had a spare pas
A couple of weeks ago we made a trip to Taronga Zoo.

One of the families from daycare had a spare pass that we borrowed for the day.

First we went through the bird sanctuary and the kids were not overly impressed and were more interested in the waterfalls and the leaves fallen off the trees.

After that we walked past the playground and Lucas immediately ran off (Aiden was a bit more hesitant as he is more cautious) and couldn't get enough of going down the big slide (by himself).

The seal show was more to the taste of Aiden even though he'd seen it before.

After this we went to the Australian section of the park to see some kangaroos (including a tree kangaroo) and other wildlife.

23. April 2014 12:04
by Rene Pallesen

Open day photo shoot - Other various

23. April 2014 12:04 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

Here is some more photos from the shoot the other day. They are not my favourites, but good enough t
Here is some more photos from the shoot the other day. They are not my favourites, but good enough to share I think.

Model: Kerry Ann Peterson

Model: Gabriella Srage

Model: Emma Perceval

22. April 2014 12:04
by Rene Pallesen

Open day photoshoot - Dream

22. April 2014 12:04 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

I just finished another edit of one of the photos from the open day. Someone else had posted a photo
I just finished another edit of one of the photos from the open day.

Someone else had posted a photo of a dream like impression and I wanted to see if I was able to do the same with one of my photos.

Model: Taylia Lopez
Lighting & Set: Studio 1A
Hair & Make-up: Kabuki Mee Designs

I also did another photo of one of the other girls at the photo shoot.

Model: Britney Williams
Hair: Cara Leupuscek
Makeup: Melisa Tomic
Sets: Studio 1A Sydney

19. April 2014 15:04
by Rene Pallesen

Open day photoshoot - wrap up

19. April 2014 15:04 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

The photoshoot last week provided a lot of lessons...some learnt and some where I need more practice
The photoshoot last week provided a lot of lessons...some learnt and some where I need more practice.

My main reason for participating was to gain more experience working with models and especially be able to pose models better. A secondary objective was to get some great photos that I can use for my portfolio and for this website.
I think I succeeded with both objectives although I definitely need more experience with posing.
 I had no idea what to expect before getting there apart from knowing that there would be a number of models, makeup artists and a number of different sets.
The format is pretty simple...first come first serve to a set. You use the time effectively, work quick and take 20-30 shots with each model and after that you let someone else have a turn and move onto a different set.
This means that you have to work very effective with the models and try and get a good photo. You cannot change the set and you cannot change the light setup so in terms of creativity this is quite limiting.
It came in very handy that I have done some studio photography and have a good understanding of the theory. This means that it was easier for me to work with the variables that I could change, mainly changing my position on the set to get different shadows and lights and then also let the models move closer or further away from the lights to change this. I definitely think that this allowed me to get some pretty unique photos, but I definitely something I need to do more of if I get the chance to do this again.
Also, some of the models were professional models and others had done absolutely no modelling before. They all presented different challenges, as the professional models will give you the model poses and looks and it it hard to change this without it being pretty obvious that you only have little experience. The ones with no experience required a lot more guidance and this was where I really struggled and I definitely need some more standard poses that I can pull out for these situations. That said some of the models with no experience did really good and the most of the models were rally good fun to work with.
I especially found it really hard to pose with the male models.

Another thing is how social media works. The agreement was that you would put your shots into a dropbox folder so that the hair and makeup artists as well as the model could access low resolution files and at the same time get access to your contact details if they would like prints/hires files. I also posted the photos on the groups facebook page and the response was amazing compared to what I normally get on photos. Lots of likes and suddenly everyone wants to be my friend on Facebook (they may be disappointed when they see the stuff I normally post) and most amazing is the response from the models and the hair and makeup artists...a number of them are already using the material to promote themselves (which I am fine with as long as it doesn't go beyond that) and they are leaving comments/shares saying things such as 'this is my favourite photo from the day so far'.

Not knowing what gear to bring I brought pretty much everything I terms of lenses and even a couple of flashes and grey cards. I ended up shooting with my 85mm f1.4 pretty much most of the time and occasionally changing to a 50mm f1.4 for full body shots or on the sets where there wasn't much space on the set. What I didn't bring was my 105mm macro lens. I could have used this lens for getting in close for detail type shots and wish I had brought this along.
I should also have brought an ND8 filter for shooting natural light at f1.4...even with the Nikon D800 it was next to impossible to not overexpose using that bright light.
They have announced that they will be holding another shoot in august which I am planning to participate in and they also have a nude workshop in July that I am trying to convince Kim that I should go to...but we will see.

18. April 2014 07:04
by Rene Pallesen

Open day photoshoot - Miyuki

18. April 2014 07:04 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

Miyuki is a makeup artist and had never done any modeling before and this was the first time as a mo
Miyuki is a makeup artist and had never done any modeling before and this was the first time as a model.

She has a really nice outfit/hair piece and the makeup was done really nicely. The skin in her face is absolutely flawless and virtually no re-touching was required.

Photographer: Rene Pallesen
Model: Miyuki Tsuda
Hair and Makeup: Kabuki Mee Designs
Set/Light: Studio 1A Sydney

18. April 2014 07:04
by Rene Pallesen

Open day Photoshoot - Melanie J Bowers

18. April 2014 07:04 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

One of the professional models on the day was Melanie. She knows how to model and give you the looks
One of the professional models on the day was Melanie. She knows how to model and give you the looks but it also made it hard to get a unique photo. Even though I did get a lot of great photo I think the one below is the best...it is very magazine like.

At one point during my session with her she started talking to some other people down the back and she became all smiley and giggly...the modelling cover totally disappeared. I really kick myself that I didn't keep shooting while this happened.

Photographer: Rene Pallesen
Model: Melanie J Bowers
Hair: Cara Leupuscek
MUA: Melisa Tomic
Studio and lighting : 1A Sydney

18. April 2014 07:04
by Rene Pallesen

Open day photoshoot - Pia Prestley

18. April 2014 07:04 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

Pia had a very cool red and white facepaint/makeup. It was a bit strong for the set but I think it i
Pia had a very cool red and white facepaint/makeup. It was a bit strong for the set but I think it is pretty good in black and white with a slight hint of the colours blended back in.

Photographer: Rene Pallesen
Model: Pia Prestley
Hair: Cara Leupuscek
MUA: Marie Donnell
Studio and lighting : 1A Sydney

17. April 2014 14:04
by Rene Pallesen

Open day photoshoot - Sudip Limbu

17. April 2014 14:04 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

At the photo shoot there was also a couple of male models.I find it a lot harder to pose males than
At the photo shoot there was also a couple of male models.

I find it a lot harder to pose males than females...with females I can (kind of) tell what looks good and what doesnt and when I get a goo pose I know it. With males it is a lot harder as I never think about what looks masculine.

This day was a really eye opener that before I next time have to shoot a male I will have to do a bit of homework and have some general ideas already mapped out.

At the end of the day they were shooting inside this caged lift and I got the this shot. Later I saw another photographers photo using the same setting and it was amazing.

It was really cool to see what other people did in the same set and I learned so much just from watching other photographers as well as models.

I also did a couple of shots using a projection screen...not a big fan, but I did snap the following that turned out somewhat ok but not entirely happy about it.

Model: Sudip Limbu
Hair: Cara Leupuscek
Makeup: Melinda
Lighting & Sets: Studio 1A Sydney

17. April 2014 14:04
by Rene Pallesen

Open day photoshoot - Valerie Peovska 50's style

17. April 2014 14:04 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

I did another set/makeup shoot with Valerie in a more 50's style setting.First I had her standing up
I did another set/makeup shoot with Valerie in a more 50's style setting.

First I had her standing up, but just could not get the poses working for me with the makeup and the set...just somehow seemed out of place and it was my second set of the day so I was still trying to get used to the whole idea of giving posing directions.

Eventually I had her sit down and managed to get this photo which I think captured the whole 1950's style much better.

Model : Valerie Pueovska
Hair : Cara Leupuscek
MUA : Melisa Tomic
Studio/Set: 1A Sydney
Photographer : Rene Pallesen