
10. December 2013 12:11
by Rene Pallesen

Christmas Photos 2013 - Candles

10. December 2013 12:11 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

christmas photos 2013 candles

Christmas is approaching fast. The Christmas tree is up and Kim is busy shopping for presents for the various people.

The other night I managed to slot in 10 minutes for the first set of Christmas photos of Aiden and Lucas.

I was shooting these with a 50mm f1.4 lens to get the nice blurry Christmas tree lights. This also meant that I didn't have much room to play with when it came to focus...almost impossible with two moving kids whily trying to get the right mood with facial expressions, tantrums etc. Aiden couldn't sit still and Lucas refused to wear his hat. What do they say...never photograph wild animals and children!

7. December 2013 07:54
by Rene Pallesen

Christmas Concert 2013

7. December 2013 07:54 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

christmas concert

The other day it was Aiden and Lucas Christmas concert with their daycare centre.

This year they were supposed to dress up in some country's national clothes.

We borrowed some Chinese clothes from KC and they looked very cute in it.

The concert went very well. We were especially impressed how well Aiden was able to follow the instructions and the moves to the various dances.

It was especially funny when they were singing this song with Konitchiwa...Namaste....BULA!!!!

Lucas was also in the first part of the concert sitting down the front with one of the carers.

6. December 2013 07:18
by Rene Pallesen

Big foot playing soccer

6. December 2013 07:18 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

big foot playing soccer

Aiden is still playing soccer once a week. Last week he insisted on wearing my shoes instead of his own.

Maybe he was hinting that his old shoes are getting too small.

6. December 2013 07:16
by Rene Pallesen

Fun on a rainy day

6. December 2013 07:16 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

fun on a rainy day

We have had a lot of rain lately. On one of the days I was showing Aiden and Lucas how to make a pair of funny glasses out of an egg crate and a piece of string.

They got to paint the glasses afterwards.

6. December 2013 07:14
by Rene Pallesen

A helping hand vacuuming

6. December 2013 07:14 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

a helping hand vacuuming

The other day I picked up Aiden and Lucas pretty late from daycare.

They were in the process of cleaning and Aiden was eagerly waiting for them to turn on the vacuum cleaner so he could play with it.

20. November 2013 10:15
by Rene Pallesen

De knoklede - page 007

20. November 2013 10:15 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

de knoklede page 007

I have already gone out too far. I cannot return and jump over the stream because it is growing inside of me and is becoming a roaring river.
What are these strange thoughts I am having?
Were these free farmers in the hills above Varde Aaa more free at year 900 than they were in year 1100?
The only difference was christianity.

Off to the library
The landowner at Noerholm
The Herredfoged.
The Bishop in Ribe
It is all written here

I start thinking about hunting
A good hunter makes sure that they keep a healthy game on the property. He will feed the game during tough winters and make sure that the the overall health is there and have to most productive game survive.
No, it is not right to have these thoughts here in the library when it is the farmers I need to find information on.

Queen Margaret..
Make a claim on Noerholm..
Maybe there is something here..

Wasn't it the landowner of Noerholm that owned Noerholm?
Has he just built up Noerholm and then put his filthy hand on every surrounding piece of land and property?
Which the church was claiming that it should own?
Or was it the Bishop in Ribe?

This was not what I was supposed to find here at the library. It was the farmer - farmers!


What rubbish was that. I must get rid of these thoughts, this has nothing to do with hunting.

20. November 2013 08:59
by Rene Pallesen

De knoklede - page 006

20. November 2013 08:59 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

page 6 de knoklede

It wouldn't have been the lord who was out there beginning to move large boulders.

And not the bishop -

Christianity had just been introduced but building that many churches required a lot of workforce.

My thoughts are diverted.

Has this big change in faith based activity created communities, something in common because surely it was the farmers who built the churches.
This introduction was it something that made the existence easier for the farmers, my old roots.
It must have been, a lot of other things to believe in has been forgotten and the church is now a gathering place.

You should never start researching your ancestry.
You encounter one surprise after another and will never finish. There is always more.
There is changes in ones beliefs for every new discovery.

Of cause it was the farmers who built the churches. Who else would have?
They probably started with the words; "On the day of honour I am with you".

My thoughts are again left astray.

Russia build the aswan dam in Egypt.

Yes, I saw it myself with my own eyes. I drove in my car along the large canals they were digging.

How was it that they explained it to me?
This canal was to be dug 5 metres deep, 100 metres wide and should extend 800km out into the desert.

There were thousands of workers, it all looked like a large ants nests.
Men with baskets full of soil on their heads.

There was not a single Russian in this ants nest.

- Who actually built the Aswan Dam? -

20. November 2013 08:48
by Rene Pallesen

De knoklede - page 005

20. November 2013 08:48 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

page 5


My grandads memoirs.


My Memoirs.


But there has to be something before us.

Our family of farmers from Kongeaaen at Toboel to Lyngbakkerne across Varde Aa - Mejls - Hornelund - Sig.

How did they live in the last 1000 years?

I rush to the library but it feels like hitting a miss in the lottery.

Have my ancestors, the farmers, not accomplished anything that made it worthy for a couple of pages in the danish history?

Yes, they have of cause not walked about killing each other to get hold of their neighbors possessions. Rather the opposite, from the looks of it, it was the farmers that were killed.

And for this the killers deserved a rather prominent mentioning in the history.

Yes, there was built a number of churches in the 1100's, but my relatives, the farmers are not mentioned.

I start to think.

- Who actually built these churches? -.

20. November 2013 03:11
by Rene Pallesen

De Knoklede - page 009

20. November 2013 03:11 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

de knoklede page 009

..as a couple of cows and a bull out on the feeding grounds. Something that can work and reproduce.

There is an old say like this - The devil looks after his own.
Let me immediately point out that the Devil didn't look after the farmers in the area around Varde and it was obvious that it was the met in power that were looked after by the Devil.

Here I would like to jump forward to 1300-1400 in the Danish history (Queen Margaret I). It is like my ancestors roots here start sprouting quickly. It is not quite clear who owns then, the church or the landowner at Noerholm.
Queen Margaret interfere in the argument and this gives the farmers a bit of breathing space.
A few farmers become more established and become independent (owns their land).
How should all these farmers see all the trouble ahead? Yes, even the Danish history has forgotten them.
It is only all the bad evil, power hungry people that are written about.
The more bloodthirsty the more pages they get in the book.

How mush is described about the farmers fight for independence against Kristian the 3rd?

The farmers at Varde invaded the river fortres at Varde and destroyed it but then had to retreat north with Captain Clement pursued by Johan Rantzau the kings right hand.
The farmers were at last defeated at Aalborg so that they would not appear in the history books. Not even crying and mourning by women and children behinds the hills at Varde river.

Honour becomes he who should be honoured.

20. November 2013 02:57
by Rene Pallesen

De knoklede - page 008

20. November 2013 02:57 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

de knoklede page 008

I am stuck.

There is something peculiar about this study.

Why do I still return to - in a time of hunting?

Right! I remember, there is a book by that name.

I tell myself to think about something else - And he thoughts saw wide views.
And the neighbours wife said to her mum - That decease looks just like...

No, this is enough...

Were the farmers the hunted game or not?
Were the king, the lords, the church, the bishop the hunters?

Were the farmers the game and the hunting so good that the hunters couldn't agree on splitting the game?
Was it like that all over Denmark? Of cause it was. the Varde area was no exception.

It is something strange you are getting involved in when you study your ancestors.
The farmers had to live, otherwise there was nothing to hunt, but when the land owner was about to loose his hunting rights then the hunting escalated to the point where the game was about to go extinct.
The hunters would then loose interest and start hunting elsewhere.

Here we can mention the war against Sweden with its following plague as well as Napoleon with his Spanish troops in Denmark.

The farmers always recovered, because they were the lifeline for Denmark.
Children are born and new generations grow up between the marshes and hills without knowing whether they in years to come will be valuable as game and hence again be hunted to extinction.

It is the owners of the hunting grounds, their mentality and actions that is written into the Danish history. They have been lifted onto the podium for their dishonest behaviour.

On the contrary is just mentioned as an afterthought...
Perfect Moments Photography | A Rene Pallesen Journal


10. January 2003 10:53
by Rene Pallesen

Mum and Dad in Sydney 2003

10. January 2003 10:53 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

mum and dad in sydney

My mum and dad spent some time in Sydney over christmas and New Year.

While they were here I raught my dad how to absail.

And for Christmas I gave my parents some tickets for the Sydney Harbour bridge walk (they gave Arumi a ticket too).

1. November 2002 11:19
by Rene Pallesen

My brothers funeral

1. November 2002 11:19 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

my brothers funeral

My brother passed away in the end of 2002. He had been suffering badly from his disease for almost a decade and eventually it got the better of him.

I still miss him a lot even though we weren't close when he was alive....but I still feel him close to me to this day!

I still light a candle for him once in a while.

His two biggest wishes in life was to become a professional tennis player...he was a pretty damn good player and I never played against him because I didn't have a chance.

His second biggest wish was to get himself a girlfriend. This is one of the last photos that was taken of him.

I still blame the psychiatric system in Denmark for what happened. They were too focused on treating his disease with medication and never paid any attention on teaching him to live with his disease and provide quality in life.

I still love him very much and I really miss him. I also regret that I wasn't there more for him.

He always looked after me and he has never hurt anyone.

This is the last family photo that was taken.

I would appreciate if you click here to see some of the photos from my brothers life: May he not be forgotten

26. October 2002 11:09
by Rene Pallesen

My Memories of Claus . . .

26. October 2002 11:09 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

my memories of claus

Amstmester - Claus Pallesen (newspaper article)Claus at tennis practice
Before Claus became ill, he was a rising star in the world of tennis. He was featured in the local newspaper as Amtsmester - he came first in the local "Amst" - level similar to state-level.
Claus the Skipper!Claus sunbaking
Claus and Far!

Claus and MorTrip to Karrebæksminde, during René's and Arumi's visit to Denmark (June 2002)
Claus loved being out in the wind and the sun. He was also prone to seasickness.
Claus & Mor at Freshwater BayEating oysters in SydneyClaus with Anne
At one of beaches in SydneyAt my old apartment in Narrabeen, Sydney
Claus and my family came to visit me in Australia in 1999. I think he liked it here - warmer winters and friendly people. I really like the top middle photo, of Claus eating oysters. He looked very happy. They did a lot of sightseeing here, and even visited my apartment on Narrabeen beach.
Young Claus with MorAt airport - when René and Arumi leave Denmark
Claus in MorroccoClaus in Morrocco
In North SjællandRené & Claus at Sonja's 60th birthday celebrations
In Tenerife
blue line
The following are the last photos that were taken of Claus, on one of our sailing trips.
Alle i arbejdeLastekajen
Lasten vokserClaus arbejder
Kurt arbejderLasten klar

26. October 2002 11:08
by Rene Pallesen

My Dear Big Brother...

26. October 2002 11:08 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

my dear big brother

My brother had schizophrenia, and he passed away not long after his 33rd birthday.

I love my brother, and I regret not telling him this. My girlfriend tells me that Claus knew I loved him.
I am not convinced of this, so I wrote him a letter, in the hope that he will read this, wherever he is.

There is so much I wanted to say to him.

I want to remember him when he was not sick, when he was happy, and when I was last in Denmark in June 2002. I want to remember him, as you will see him in these photos.
blue line
Claus and I wearing Christmas hats

Claus' Christening

The Family

Big Brother

26. October 2002 10:35
by Rene Pallesen

My Big Brother

26. October 2002 10:35 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

my big brother
My Big Brother . . .

Sharing toysOur favourite dog
Winter-timeOur first skiisChristmas together
Christmas ElvesAlways together
Friends in KenyaIn school uniform, in KenyaSitting with our cousins

Created: 8 Oct 2002 Last Updated: 24 Oct 2002

10. June 2002 11:47
by Rene Pallesen


10. June 2002 11:47 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments


On the way back from Denmark we made a stopover in Singapore to have a look as well as do some shopping.

Here a photo from Little India in Singapore.

4. June 2002 11:36
by Rene Pallesen

My mums birthday

4. June 2002 11:36 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

my mums birthday

We surprised my Mum by turning up in Denmark before her 60th Birthday.

She had a big party where a lot of her friends and family turned up.

Click here to see more photos

While we were there we also got to visit some of my friends and family as well as do a bit of Sightseeing in Copenhagen and Legoland. Click here to see more photos from: Mums 60th Birthday/Slideshow

29. March 2002 02:52
by Rene Pallesen

Drive in Australia

29. March 2002 02:52 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments

drive in australia

Over the Christmas holidays we went for a drive through some of the most scenic parts of Australia.

First we drive down to Melbourne and then along the Great Ocean Road to Adelaide.

Click here to see more photos

The sunsets were spectacular.

Click here for more photos

We then continued up to the Flinders Ranges and along the way had a look at cave paintings.

Click here to see more photos

In Broken hill we went down into the old Daydream silvermine.

Click here to see more photos

We also had a look at some of the Desert Sculptures

Click here to see more photos

Along the way we saw some Australian Wildlife. Here a wombat.

Click here to see more photos

And here a possum.

Click here for more photos

Lots of Koalas

Click here for more photos

And here one very angry Lizard.

Click here for more photos

And of course some Emus.

Click here for more photos

We were camping along the way.

Click here for more photos

Click here to see more photos from Driving in Australia / Slideshow