27. August 2009 02:00 by Rene Pallesen 0 Comments Jump shots 27. August 2009 02:00 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments TweetSharejump shots While we were travelling in Denmark and Italy we did a large number of Jump shots. Here are some of the coolest ones we did. First in Denmark Then Italy
17. August 2009 10:27 by Rene Pallesen 0 Comments Pisa - A revisit three decades later 17. August 2009 10:27 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments TweetSharepisa When I was a child I spend a lot of summers with my parents in Italy. They used to work in the Northern part of Italy as travel guides and as a result we generally headed that way during the summer time with our caravan or with a tent. When I was a baby my parent took me to Pisa (I have to trust them I an don't remember) and also up into the leaning tower. Kim and I was planning to drive from Tuscany to the Italien Riviera and I asked Kim if it was ok to make a short stop at Pisa for me to have a look at the tower some 3X years later. Our Tom-Tom navigated us by the backway into the city and within a short timefra we were at the tower. We had a look for a parking spot and literally found a spot less than 100 metres from the tower (so far pretty fortunate with the parking). It was really cool to have a look at the tower. They have started allowing people to enter the tower again, but when we got there they next timeslot was 6pm in the evening (8 hours later) so we instead took some photos and bought some T shirts for Kims family. Of cause we had to take the classic photos of trying to straighten the tower. And a couple of nice ones And then there was the silly ones And then some photos from the beautiful architecture of the tower and the church next to it.
17. August 2009 10:18 by Rene Pallesen 0 Comments Verona and the Opera - Italy 17. August 2009 10:18 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments TweetShareverona and the operaWe arrived to Milan in Italy from Copenhagen in the evening. The first thing we did after landing was to pick up our rental car which was a small Fiat Panda (Never, ever rent a large car in Italy...some streets only accomodate snall cars) and then drive to our Hotel. The Tom-Tom nagigator software on my mobile phone turned out to be exceptionally useful on our trip to find our way around. The next morning we drove towards Verona and at lunchtime we had a look at our map and noticed that we'd drive right past Lago di Gardia (Lake Garda). I asked Kim to plan a diversion somewhere for a lakeside lunch. She chose Sirmione which is a long peninsula on the southern side of the lake. I used to stay at Lake Garda with my parents when I was a kid. The water is bright blue and it is a beautiful place. We then continued to Verona early afternoon and found our bed and breakfast which is about a kilometer from the city centre. The road up there was very narrow and anything wider than the Panda would not have been able to get through. As soon as we had gotten settled we walked down into the city centre. We had opera tickets for Aida in the old coloseum in Verona in the evening, but had to first pick up the tickets. The tickets were quite pricey so we had chosen to get ticket on the upper stairs with almost everyone else. It meant that it was a bit less confortable and that we would have to enter early to get a good seat. But it also meant that we were sitting up higher which is better for taking photos. The performance was amazing. There was approximately 500 actors on stage (and 4 horses) and ther used about a quarter of the coloseum as the stage. It was a beautiful and warm night with a brightly lit full moon. The performance finished around 1am at night and from there we walked to one of the squares of Verona and had some coffee (Places were still open). The next morning we did a bit more exploration around Verona. Kim wanted to see the romantic balcony of Romeo and Juliet (Or Donald and Daffy Duck as I called them as they are just as real as the imaginary Romeo and Juliet) Since we were there we also had to rub the right breast of the Juliet statue there for good luck. In Daffy's house they also has a lot of interesting art work. Verona is an interesting city. They have a whale bone suspended from one of the gates...apparently the legend says that it will fall down upon the first 'Just' man who passes under it (and kills him??). Unfortunately (or fortunately) it didn't fall on neither Kim or I. The city is full of old buildings with interesting architecture
17. August 2009 10:13 by Rene Pallesen 0 Comments Rosenborg - Denmark 17. August 2009 10:13 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments TweetSharecopenhagen denmarkOn the last day in Denmark our flight wasn't leaving from Copenhagen to Milan until early evening, we therefore decided to head into the capital a bit earlier in the day and spend a couple of hours sightseeing with my parents. We went to a place called Rosenborg (Rose Castle) which is where the Danish royals keep their crown jewels. It is also the place where they train the soldiers that protect the royals. Some of the jewels are absolutely stunning. There is lots of ivory, old weapons, saddles, gold etc. everything coverved with diamonds, perls, emeralds, rubys and other jewels. My mum and dad was waiting outside (half asleep) while we were inside looking at all the awsomeness.
17. August 2009 10:12 by Rene Pallesen 0 Comments Knuthenborg Zoo - Denmark 17. August 2009 10:12 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments TweetShareknuthenborg zoo While we were in Denmark we went to the local zoo called Knuthenborg. It was created by the owner of one of the big farms who had a vision to create one of Europes larges open air zoos. What is so special about this particular zoo is that you drive around amongst the animals and in certain areas are allowed to leave the car and interact with the animals. The first place we went was the monkey area. Here we were able to walk around some of the Lemurs (Half monkeys) from Madagascar. Driving around we also saw a number of other animals such as the asian water buffalo (which loves mud), zebras, Zobel Antelopes, Goats Kim even found a horse her own size We had a bit of fun with the camels. I don't know what they were thinking but they kept eating my hair and I think one of them was in love with me. They also have some more exotic animals there such as tigers and rhinos (The wouldn't allow us to get out of our car to pet these).
17. August 2009 10:11 by Rene Pallesen 0 Comments Medieval Centre in Denmark 17. August 2009 10:11 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments TweetSharemidieval centre Not far from where my parent live there is an open air museum displaying how people lived in the medieval time which in Denmark was the late 14th century. For Kim and I it felt like we suddenly were a princess and a knight from that time. Besides from houses, ships and other buildings the place also displays various handicraft, weaponry and how people battles in those times. They have working Trebuchets there to throw massive stones (or dead animals and burning tar) accurately for distances of more than several hundred metres. Every day they show people how they work and hurl massive stones into the water. We tried some of the weapons. I used to be fairly alright with a bow and arrow when I was a kid. I tried the bow and arrow here and it was a total disaster. Obviously Kim went straigh for the shoes and the furs (I am not a fur person myself): They also had a knights tournament on while we were there. Two knights would fight using their lances which would shatter on the impact against the shields.
14. February 2009 08:02 by Rene Pallesen 0 Comments Valentines Day 14. February 2009 08:02 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments TweetSharevalentines dayWhat can I say? I don't like going out on Valentines Day, but I still enjoy a romantic evening out...so this year we decided to celebrate Valentines day evening before (And I gave Kim flowers the day before that...and they were so fresh that they kept for two weeks). We went to a nice little restaurant at Balmoral Beach called the Watermark.The food was really nice, the scenery was really nice (slight drizzle), the Wine was fantastic (Canonbah Shiraz 'Drought Reserve' 2004)...and lastly my beautiful wife was gorgeous as always.
5. February 2009 08:35 by Rene Pallesen 0 Comments Summer 5. February 2009 08:35 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments TweetSharesummerYeah...summer in Sydney. We have fantastic beaches here in Sydney and unfortunately we don't use them enough (Water is too cold). We did however manage to get to Maroubra beach a couple of afternoons this summer.
18. November 2008 02:48 by Rene Pallesen 0 Comments Diving at Tulamben - Honeymoon in Bali 18. November 2008 02:48 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments TweetSharediving at tulambenOn our honeymoon in Bali I really wanted to do this scuba dive that was recommended to me by my friend Andy. It is this old wreck of a US cargo ship (USS liberty) that was torpedoed by the japanese in 1942 and then beached to save the men and the cargo. The wreck has since slided back into deeper water (during a volcanic eruption in 1962) and it now in 5 to 27 meters of water just off the coast. I did two dives on the wreck while Kim was snorkeling in the surface on top of the wreck and it is without a doubt the most amazing scuba diving experience I've had. The ship is huge and you can swim through the cargo hulls and there is an amazing variety of fish and corals on the wreck. I saw a 1.5 meter barracuda, a 1cm tall seahorse, a garden of eels and a great variety of other fish including a large school of travelly. I had my personal dive master for the day and I got him to take some photos and some video with his camera while we were diving. On the first dive we went all the way around the wreck (max depth 27 meters) and on the second we went through the wreck itself. Kim had a really good experience as well and really enjoyed the 30 degree warm water and managed to get her bum burnt while snorkeling for several hours. I think we'll both go back there if we get the chance. Click here to download video of me feeding fish Click here to download video of me diving
18. November 2008 01:34 by Rene Pallesen 0 Comments Bali Honeymoon 18. November 2008 01:34 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments TweetSharebali honeymoonOur Honeymoon day after the wedding went to Bali in Indonesia. We did have some hesitation going there considering that the Bali Bombers had been executed the week before and that the Australian government discouraged all travel there. The plane up there (and back) was only 25% full so plenty of space to get a good sleep. We stayed in Nusa Dua Westin....a nice hotel although the rooms are a bit small. On the first day we slept in and later in the day drove to Kuta to have a look around and do some shopping. Later in the evening we went to Jimbaran Bay for dinner. This is a whole beach where all the restaurants have put their tables and chairs out onto the beach itself...very romantic but quite expensive compared to local restaurants. The second day we hired a car to drive us to Ubud in the hills, Monkey Forest and later in the day down to a small place called Tanah Lot. Especially the last one was very nice around sunset and we ended up not getting back to our hotel until 8.30 in the evening much to the dismay of our driver. Dinner took place near the hotel and we found that the value of the food/prices was much better here. A couple of days later we went for another drive (In between we went to Tulamben...see posting below) up to some beautiful lakes and temples up on the north of the island as well as rice paddies and we had a really nice trip despite driving with the most grumpy driver. Time was running out and Kim felt that she hadn't spent enough time shopping so the last two days were spent shopping and sitting at the pool and on the beach. One evening we booked a really nice restaurant called "The Living Room" in Seminyak and I booked the whole outdoor area (cost a fortune) just so that we could have a romantic evening in the garden just the two of us with personal waiting staff. The week was way too short and we never got to do everything we wanted to do so I have a feel we will be coming back in the future.