17. August 2009 10:12 by Rene Pallesen 0 Comments Knuthenborg Zoo - Denmark 17. August 2009 10:12 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments TweetShareknuthenborg zoo While we were in Denmark we went to the local zoo called Knuthenborg. It was created by the owner of one of the big farms who had a vision to create one of Europes larges open air zoos. What is so special about this particular zoo is that you drive around amongst the animals and in certain areas are allowed to leave the car and interact with the animals. The first place we went was the monkey area. Here we were able to walk around some of the Lemurs (Half monkeys) from Madagascar. Driving around we also saw a number of other animals such as the asian water buffalo (which loves mud), zebras, Zobel Antelopes, Goats Kim even found a horse her own size We had a bit of fun with the camels. I don't know what they were thinking but they kept eating my hair and I think one of them was in love with me. They also have some more exotic animals there such as tigers and rhinos (The wouldn't allow us to get out of our car to pet these).