22. March 2003 12:56 by Rene Pallesen 0 Comments Old Contents 22. March 2003 12:56 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments TweetShareold contentsContents . . . My photo collection is vast. Many of them are in my albums, others scanned as images here. I have tried to include the best of the best, and will keep doing so. Feel free to explore any of the links - it make take some time to peruse them all... ( We recommend viewing of the photos through MS Explorer )AUSTRALIA - HOMECockatoos at HomeNarrabeen BeachNew carMy JobsMY FAMILYGrandmother's 85th Grandmother's 80thDonkey Day OutMy Brother ClausMy Father2001New Zealand (Mt Cook)South-East Asia2000Chilli FestivalEcochallenge Borneo (Sabah)Sydney Olympics1999Thailand (Bangkok)LaosMorocco1998Port MacquariePete's BiteNew Zealand (Sth Island)Denmark Created: 11 Aug 2001 Last Updated: 21-jan-05