12. January 2018 00:02 by Rene Pallesen 0 Comments Fishing - Laos 12. January 2018 00:02 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments TweetShareThe fishing along the rivers in Laos are still very traditional.It is the circular throw out nets, fThe fishing along the rivers in Laos are still very traditional.It is the circular throw out nets, fish traps and people foraging along the river banks to collect river seaweed and snails for eating.In most places they still use dugout canoes for the fishing.In the various town you see people sitting repairing their fishing nets.Kim told us that when she was a little girl she used to help the family repair the fishing nets, but that she's forgotten how to do it.One of the delicacies in Loang Prabang is the local riverweed. We saw multiple people collecting it and also sitting cleaning it.