8. March 2017 14:03 by Rene Pallesen 0 Comments South Africa and Zimbabwe - Travelling with the boys 8. March 2017 14:03 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments TweetShareTraveling with the two boys can sometimes be a bit of a challenge, but this time it actually went veTraveling with the two boys can sometimes be a bit of a challenge, but this time it actually went very will. They behaved well on the flights watching movies, playing, drawing and looking out the windows.They were even lucky enough to be invited into the cockpit while at the terminal and were allowed to press the big red button on the flight stick (transfers the flight control).During the trip the boys were sleeping in the same bed (and sometimes in the same room as us), and they were usually so tired after a days of activities that they would sleep rather than muck around.The accommodation was a combination hotels, lodges, cottages and apartment. (useful to have two toilets sometimes).They also loved seeing large beetles and grasshoppers - but refused to touch them.Some of their highlights were the unusual playgrounds they got to play in and the large lollipops at the airport.And some of my highlights were the local toys such as the cars/tractors made from wires and the homemade slingshots.