1. December 2015 12:12 by Rene Pallesen 0 Comments Aiden Graduation and Christmas Concert 1. December 2015 12:12 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments TweetShareIt was time again for the annual Christmas concert with Aiden and Lucas' daycare.Aiden is starting 'It was time again for the annual Christmas concert with Aiden and Lucas' daycare.Aiden is starting 'big' school after Christmas, so this was also his graduation.Kim and Aiden had both practiced some dancing and songs for the concert and were both dressed up, Aiden as a doctor and Lucas as a pumpkin.Although Aiden was very excited leading up to the concert and was telling everyone how he was going to sing and dance, he absolutely broke down once we got there overwhelmed by all the people and the noise.It was heartbreaking to see him like that on an evening where he should be enjoying himself. He was crying and didn't want to get on the stage. Eventually we managed to get him up and he did try and participate.Lucas on the other hand had a great time, unfortunately I didn't get a lot of photos of that because I had to try and comfort Aiden.After the show Santa turned up wit presents for the kids and he was a lot happier again.After that the graduates had their photos taken and had cake.