20. November 2013 10:15
by Rene Pallesen
I have already gone out too far. I cannot return and jump over the stream because it is growing inside of me and is becoming a roaring river.
What are these strange thoughts I am having?
Were these free farmers in the hills above Varde Aaa more free at year 900 than they were in year 1100?
The only difference was christianity.
Off to the library
The landowner at Noerholm
The Herredfoged.
The Bishop in Ribe
It is all written here
I start thinking about hunting
A good hunter makes sure that they keep a healthy game on the property. He will feed the game during tough winters and make sure that the the overall health is there and have to most productive game survive.
No, it is not right to have these thoughts here in the library when it is the farmers I need to find information on.
Queen Margaret..
Make a claim on Noerholm..
Maybe there is something here..
Wasn't it the landowner of Noerholm that owned Noerholm?
Has he just built up Noerholm and then put his filthy hand on every surrounding piece of land and property?
Which the church was claiming that it should own?
Or was it the Bishop in Ribe?
This was not what I was supposed to find here at the library. It was the farmer - farmers!
What rubbish was that. I must get rid of these thoughts, this has nothing to do with hunting.