
14. September 2009 12:55
by Rene Pallesen


14. September 2009 12:55 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments


This weekend we invited a group of my friends over for BBQ.

The official excuse was for my recovery after my Hernia surgery (which is still causing me some grief some days).

It was a beautiful spring day with 31 degrees in the shade and luckily I had put up a gazebo outside to cover the area and provide a bit of shade.

Most of the day I was attending the BBQ cooking Lamb Cutlets, Fish, Prawns, Vietnamese Sausages and Chicken skewers.

The last batch of chicken skewers I forgot on the BBQ with a very predictable result.


In the evening we had Kim's family over for dinner/BBQ, so a repetition of the afternoon.
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