4. January 2008 12:50
by Rene Pallesen
I was glad that I didn't have too much to drink on New Years Eve, because the day after turned out to be a busy one.
In the morning we had breakfast with Kims family at the cemetery where her mum is buried.
Right after this we went to the golf course at the coast and played 18 holes. It was a pretty hot day, but there was a nice breeze along the coast and the course is in such a spectacular location.
Click here to download video of Playing Golf #1
Click here to download video of the Golf Course #2
Most of the beaches in Queensland and New South Wales were closed due to dangerous surf conditions. There is a hurricane off the coast of Queensland creating some huge waves along all of Australia's east coast.
In the evening we had dinner with Kims family having steam boat and those rice paper things that you roll up (not sure what it is called)...and it was yummi.
They have this fermented fish that has been fermented over 3-4 years and it is really nice as a dipping sauce with a few chillies mixed in.
Click here to see more photos from New Years Day