14. March 2010 08:17
by Rene Pallesen
It is now week 25 and almost the third trimester. Kim is certainly getting a lot bigger these days but is still very active with swimming, yoga and walking (According to Kim baby is very active too). Both baby and mum are so far doing fine.

They say that most of the growth is in the third trimester...she could be huge!
We have finished painting the baby room and we have bought the most essential furniture such as a cot, a chest of drawers, car seats etc. It is now up to Kim to decorate the room so that it looks nice.
2. February 2010 02:39
by Rene Pallesen
We (Kim that is) are now almost half way through the pregnancy.
Last week we went to another ultrasound scan to check if everything is on track and to count the number of fingers and toes. Both baby and mum is fine so far. And how is daddy you ask? He is worried how he is going to handle being a dad...such a big responsibility and worried that he will be a lousy dad.
now also know the sex of the baby...and it is going to be a BOY and is
still due in mid-June!!! He has already started kicking according to
Kim, so he may be an active one.
We were hoping for a girl
because there is already more than enough boys in the family (Kayla
started crying when she heard that is was a boy...she was hoping for
someone to play with).
Anyway we can now start looking a good names for a boy.I suggested to Kim that we would start an auction on eBay where the winner would get the naming rights...Kim said NOOOO!!! So there goes my retirement plans and all the millions!
anyone who is planning ahead and start buying stuff for the boy...check
with Kim or myself first with regards to what we need (Sizes, Colours and brands).
Rules for toys:
1) No dolls or pink fluffy stuff....it is a boy for christ sake!
2) Climbing harness and shoes are perfect around year 4
3) A pair of skis at age 6
4) First Ice axe and crampons at age 10
5) Toys that required assembling and dis-assembling by the kid is perfect
6) Toys that can be assembled in more than one way is perfect (ie. Lego)
7) Toys that are created with the intension of making noise are banned
And the most important: Don't buy a toy unless you can explain to me
what valuable lesson you hope the kid will learn from using that toy.
25. December 2009 10:24
by Rene Pallesen
Good news everyone...we are expecting a baby and the stork should be delivering around mid June next year.
I guess most of you guys already know by now....for the rest of you...Surprise!!
It is not unexpected as we were trying.

there is a busy time ahead preparing for the baby. Kims wants the baby
room painted (Even though in my opinion the baby doesn't care what
colour it is).
We will also need to get hold of stuff like prams
etc. If there are any baby items that you can spare (especielly items
such as car baby seats, pram and changing table) then we would be very
We don't know if it is a boy or a girl yet (We should know by the end of January).