8. October 2012 01:41
by Rene Pallesen
9. September 2012 02:29
by Rene Pallesen
We are now 8 months into expecting our new little baby boy and we expect him to arrive any time within the next two weeks.
We did some pregnancy photos the last couple of days to make sure we have some nice ones as a family.

30. July 2012 07:34
by Rene Pallesen
A couple of days ago it was my birthday...I wish it was my 27th...but it wasn't!
Kim took me out for dinner on the day itself to a nice place at Circular Quay...very nice, but absolutely freezing and windy in there.

Day after we went out for dinner with the family to a Japanese restaurant and they ordered a shameful amount of food!
After the dinner we went back to our place for cake.

15. July 2012 12:26
by Rene Pallesen
Aiden is a big fan of the Thomas Trains, so a few weeks ago when Kim saw some vouchers for the Train Shed she bought some tickets.
This morning we went out there with the whole family to go riding on the trains. Aiden was very excited...to the point where he didn't want to get off the train.

The kids had 5 rides each and they also had lunch and scones provided for us.

Aiden had to check out anything that remotely looked like a train (looks like he is taking a wee here).

It was also a good day to try out the new camera (just came back after 5 weeks in the repair shop for recalibration). Kim was using it most of the day and said she loves it compared to my old camera.
On the way in I had seen a signpost towards the Warragamba Dam. This is where 80-90 percent of Sydneys drinking water supply comes from.

8. July 2012 10:57
by Rene Pallesen
This morning it was a beautiful winter day here in Sydney and we decided therefore to go duck feeding in Centenial Park with Aiden and Dylan (I was supposed to have been doing a course, but it was cancelled).
Aiden eventually figured out that it was fun to tear off small pieces of bread and throw it in the water for the ducks and swans to eat.

I showed him how to hand feed the big swans with a flat hand, but he still didn't like them much...and even less so when one of them stole his bread after sneaking in from behind.

Stupid Swan!!!!

But eventually the swan apologised and he was happy to feed the smaller birds.

Also the pond is full of fat eels (and on one occation I have seen turtles there). Some of them would surface to try and steal the bread from the ducks.
10. June 2012 09:37
by Rene Pallesen
Yesterday we went to Emily's birthday party in Centennial park. We were there on time at 10.30 on a very cold morning (it had been 7 degrees overnight) but there was no-one else there...the host and the birthday child turned up two hours later (I cannot stand people who consistently have no respect for other people time).
We had brought Aiden tri-cycle that he got as a birthday present from his grandma last year.

We also spend some time exploring the forest next to the playground.
10. June 2012 08:18
by Rene Pallesen
Today we celebrated Aidens birthday with the family.
In the morning we all had Yum Cha and afterwards we took all the kids to Little Dynamos to play.

In the evening we had the family over for steamboat and cake. Great opportunity to take a new family photo with the latest member of the family...Emma.

7. June 2012 04:26
by Rene Pallesen
Today was Aidens second birthday...time flies!

We had a Birthday cake for him with the family and sang Happy Birthday and let him blow out the candle.
14. May 2012 06:55
by Rene Pallesen
22. April 2012 07:40
by Rene Pallesen