12. August 2011 10:55
by Rene Pallesen
10. August 2011 12:25
by Rene Pallesen
9. August 2011 04:56
by Rene Pallesen
8. August 2011 04:38
by Rene Pallesen
We went to HC Andersens house in Odense in Denmark. This is the house that he was living in and behind the house they have now build a museum and a park with a castle theatre for the kids.
We started out in the park as there was a play about to start in the theatre.
The play was a 15 minute recap of all the most famous stories and it was very well done and very funny (especially the Emperors new Clothing).
Both Aiden and Bedstefar really enjoyed the play together.
Afterwards we went to see the actual house HC andersen was living in.
HC Andersen is one of Kims favourite writers.
And we also visited the museum.
7. August 2011 07:40
by Rene Pallesen
7. August 2011 06:07
by Rene Pallesen
This week we travelled to Denmark to meet the relatives. We flew straight from Sydney to Copenhagen with short stopovers in Singapore and London. Aiden behaved like a little angel pretty much all the way although he was pretty tired on the last stretch from London.
The purpose of our trip was initially to introduce Aiden to both his Grandmother and Granddad (Bedstefar), but since my mum passed away last month he could only meet my dad.
It took a couple of days for both granddad (Bedstefar) and Aiden to get used to each other, but now they really enjoy each others company and have fun playing with eachother (although it will take some time before we get him to babysit as he refuses to change nappies).
We also went to the cemetry to visit my mum who passed away recently and my brother. It is a pity my Mum didn't get to meet Aiden, but at least he has now been to the cemetry.
We also went to visit my grand parents (Aidens great grandparents) as
well as my great grand parents and great great grandparents (5
generations in one place).
One afternoon we went to my Aunties house to visit.
On a couple of evenings we had an outdoor BBQ. My dad was looking after the meat and we were looking after the side dishes and deserts. On the first evening my dad managed to burn the chicken a faid bit.
One afternoon we all went to the local zoo (It must have been 30 years since I last went there).
We tried the swings there, but Aiden wasn't happy with them (Maybe when he is older).

In the evenings we went down memory lane where my dad pulled out old 16mm film from when I was a toddler.

We were in Denmark a week and a half and it was really nice to see Aiden and my Dad getting along. I am hoping that my dad will come to Sydney in the near future and spend more time with Aiden...it will be good for him to know Bedstefar as he is growing up.
10. July 2011 10:30
by Rene Pallesen
Today was a beautiful winters day...cool, windy and blue skies and we decided to use this beautiful Sunday to go on a bushwalk with Aiden (his first real bushwalk).
The walk we decided to do was one up at Cowan from the station down to Jerusalem Bay (5km return). I carried Aiden all the way in a small sling/backpac we have for him.
He is still not used to the sling and keeps leaning back...but hopefully we can get him a bit more used to it before our holiday to Croatia.
The walk follows a creek with a small stream running through it. Eventually it reaches the bay which is a picturesque little place.
It was a great trip and it was great to get out and get some exercise.
Afterwards we had lunch at Berowra at a place I had been to before. Unfortunately it had changed owners and didn't have the same quality to it any longer.
4. July 2011 12:18
by Rene Pallesen
We had a beautiful winter day yesterday and we decided to head down to the beach to get Aiden used to the feel of sand.

He took it a lot better than expected and although wasn't playing with the sand at least he tolerated his feet and hands touching it.

He was also quite content sucking his fingers being full of sand.
4. July 2011 11:49
by Rene Pallesen
This week it was Kims Birthday (one of the big ones with a zero in it). In the morning she was surprised with a big bunch of flowers delivered and she thought they were from me...she was very surprised when she discovered they were from my dad.

...and I got an earful because she thought that I hadn't gotten her any...well I did and they were delivered by the end of the afternoon and they were different from the ones I ordered (they just delivered a palin bunch of roses which was very dissappointing but the florist gave me a refund when I complained about it).

In the evening we had Kims dad baby sitting while we went to Sepia for the degustation menu.

The food was really yummi and time just flew away.

On the Sunday we celebrated with the family on a japanese restaurant followed by cake and birthday song.

Happy Birthday Kim!!
7. June 2011 03:32
by Rene Pallesen
Today it was Aidens 1st Birthday and we celebrated it quietly with a birthday song and a little cupcake with a candle in it.

He is now a lot more curious about his environment and crawls around the livingroom investigating every corner. He is still commando crawling, but when he is determined to get to something then he is pretty quick.
We also measured him up against a wall and he is now 74cm tall and weighs just over 10kg. He is starting to become a real handful. He is used to me taking him with me in the shower and really doesn't like being bathed in a bathtub any more and it now takes the two of us to dress him (one of us to hold him while the other person dresses him). He is getting so strong that it is hard to one person to hold him is he starts wiggling like a worm.
On Sunday is his big birthday party and I really hope that I will be able to be there and celebrate it with him. Aiden's Grandmother (my Mum) had another stroke on Sunday (the day after her 69th Birthday) and things don't look very good at the moment and I may suddenly have to rush back to Denmark. I really hope she will hold out as I don't want to miss my little boys first Birthday party.
I am really sad that my Mum and Aiden hasn't had a chance to meet. We are supposed to go back there in August to visit her...but now we will have to re-evaluate our plans.