25. December 2013 05:09
by Rene Pallesen
As usual we celebrated Christmas Day with the whole family.
There was a lot of Christmas presents this year, so the kids must have been good.

Even Father Christmas paid us a visit...

It was a big group this year.
24. December 2013 05:05
by Rene Pallesen
Every year I do a family photo. This year we decided to use the gingerbread village and the tree as a backdrop.
Merry Christmas.

16. December 2013 12:56
by Rene Pallesen
16. December 2013 05:01
by Rene Pallesen
Lucas is growing up really fast and him and Aiden are now best mates doing almost everything together (including fighting).
10. December 2013 12:11
by Rene Pallesen
Christmas is approaching fast. The Christmas tree is up and Kim is busy shopping for presents for the various people.
The other night I managed to slot in 10 minutes for the first set of Christmas photos of Aiden and Lucas.

I was shooting these with a 50mm f1.4 lens to get the nice blurry Christmas tree lights. This also meant that I didn't have much room to play with when it came to focus...almost impossible with two moving kids whily trying to get the right mood with facial expressions, tantrums etc. Aiden couldn't sit still and Lucas refused to wear his hat. What do they say...never photograph wild animals and children!
7. December 2013 07:54
by Rene Pallesen
The other day it was Aiden and Lucas Christmas concert with their daycare centre.
This year they were supposed to dress up in some country's national clothes.
We borrowed some Chinese clothes from KC and they looked very cute in it.

The concert went very well. We were especially impressed how well Aiden was able to follow the instructions and the moves to the various dances.

It was especially funny when they were singing this song with Konitchiwa...Namaste....BULA!!!!

Lucas was also in the first part of the concert sitting down the front with one of the carers.
6. December 2013 07:18
by Rene Pallesen
Aiden is still playing soccer once a week. Last week he insisted on wearing my shoes instead of his own.

Maybe he was hinting that his old shoes are getting too small.
6. December 2013 07:16
by Rene Pallesen
We have had a lot of rain lately. On one of the days I was showing Aiden and Lucas how to make a pair of funny glasses out of an egg crate and a piece of string.
They got to paint the glasses afterwards.
6. December 2013 07:14
by Rene Pallesen
The other day I picked up Aiden and Lucas pretty late from daycare.
They were in the process of cleaning and Aiden was eagerly waiting for them to turn on the vacuum cleaner so he could play with it.
12. November 2013 01:23
by Rene Pallesen
We recently had the international fleet review in Sydney with lots of navy ships from international countries visiting Sydney to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Australian fleet.
This also meant that not only were there lots of sailors in town, but also lots of navy cadets.
Aiden and I chose to visit the American USS Chosin and British HMS Daring.
The US ship is an older class ship, and from the outside fairly unimpressive.
but on closer inspection it had an impressive arsenal of missiles.
As well as guns.
The crew were very friendly and were happy to have their photo taken.

The British vessel on the other hand is a very modern ship, again with a very impressive firepower.

The crew again were happy to have their photos taken.

After this Aiden was over the ships and when he spotted a firetruck he got very excited. Lucky the firemen were pretty bored so they were pretty happy to entertain him for a while and it also gave me a bit of a break from carrying Aiden in my backpack.

After that he was hungry and wanted something to eat.