12. October 2014 12:10
by Rene Pallesen
11. October 2014 11:10
by Rene Pallesen
9. October 2014 09:10
by Rene Pallesen
Here are a lot of individual photos of the kids that I haven't had a chance to post because they didn't really justify a post or not of the best quality.
First one is one of Lucas with face paint from daycare.

And he throws the biggest tantrums once in a while. Here is one on the street.

Here Aiden and Lucas are being silly and trying to balance on one leg.

And here is Aiden think he is stuck under the sofa (he is not).

Here he is very proud of his colouring in from daycare.

They both have the same bathrobes.

As a reward we took Aiden to the movies to watch 'How to train your dragon 2'.

We are still trying to teach Aiden how to ride a bicycle.

A scary hand.

They love their chocolate and ice cream.

Chilling out.



A beautiful sunset.
8. October 2014 11:10
by Rene Pallesen
8. October 2014 09:10
by Rene Pallesen
Aiden and Lucas are doing a lot of painting and drawing at daycare.
Here is some of their better work.
This one I call 'The water dragon' by Lucas

This is 'The night owl' by Aiden (Aiden calls it 'Wave')

8. October 2014 09:10
by Rene Pallesen
19. July 2014 14:07
by Rene Pallesen
One of the last days when the kids were still a bit sick we though we'd get them out of the house and go to Darling Harbour.
Aiden wanted to go on the tea-cups even though he was still suffering a bit.
18. July 2014 13:07
by Rene Pallesen
A few weeks ago I was in Melbourne for work.
On the way back Kim called and said that Aiden had a really high fever (41+ degrees) and that she was going to get him to the hospital because she was afraid that he'd collapse like he did last time.
I jumped on an earlier flight and went straight to the hospital and spent the night with him. He was really miserable and it took 5 days (fortunately not in the hospital) before we got the fever under control.

After that Lucas got sick and then Kim as well....what a week!!
16. July 2014 13:07
by Rene Pallesen
The kids are really excited whenever they get something with Thomas (the tank engine) on it.
Latest is Aiden's new Bath rope. He was so excited that he asked me to take a photo.
16. July 2014 13:07
by Rene Pallesen
It is not often that I see Aiden engaged in painting at daycare (he used to be reluctant to get dirty, but now he loves it).
Here he is working on one of his masterpieces.