2. January 2013 01:37
by Rene Pallesen
Here is another family photo that I had my Dad assist us with. It was easier to have him on a ladder taking the photo than trying to set it up on a lightstand.

It was lit by firing a group of flashes into the ceiling of the room...hopefully I will get a professional studio flash soon and will have some more power available for these types of photos.
I recon this is one of my favourite family photos from 2012.
25. December 2012 09:44
by Rene Pallesen
Christmas Day we celebrated with Kims family at her sisters house.
It was the usual crowd of our familys and everyone bringing dishes to share and as usual there was a lot of different foods to try.
It was great to have the whole family together (Aiden was again eating too much).
And even Santa made an appearance again this year...Thank you so much Santa!!!!!
24. December 2012 09:28
by Rene Pallesen
This year we celebrated Christmas at home with my Dad and his partner with the traditional Christmas Duck and Ris-a-la-mande.
It was Lucas' first and Aiden's third Christmas...Aiden is now getting old enough to enjoy the experience...
...especially the food
After dinner we opened presents according to the Danish tradition and Aiden was very excited about the big box from Bedstefar...
...containing a big truck.
From Mummy and Daddy he received a Lightning Mcqueen car (radio controlled).
...and also a drawing pad.
Merry Christmas...
21. December 2012 09:21
by Rene Pallesen
Every year I like to take a Christmas family photo.
This year having my dad around meant that I could get hime to assist us with taking the photo as I needed someone to stand on a ladder taking the photo while we as a family was lying plat on a bed.
Merry Christmas 2012 Everyone!!!!
20. December 2012 04:16
by Rene Pallesen
First of all Merry Christmas everyone!!!
With a bit of arm twisting Kim finally agreed to let me do a series of 'sexy' Santa photos.

A lot of work had to go into these couple of photos in terms of getting the outfit, but the right colour wrapping paper, wrap all the boxes, set them up to it looks nice, getting all the lighting right and not least convince Kim to do the actual shoot.
Then I had to sort out the photos I needed and then do all the editing...I think the end result is pretty good and very much in the spirit of Christmas.
And did I mention that I am married to the most beautiful (and sexy) Santa there is???
18. December 2012 08:51
by Rene Pallesen
Lucas is now three months young and the other day I did a series of monthly photos of Kim and him on our bed.

12. November 2012 07:31
by Rene Pallesen
The other night Kim was sitting on the sofa with Lucas. They turned towards me and I took the following photos just using the built-in flash of my new camera.

20. October 2012 11:21
by Rene Pallesen
When I setup for my photos I normally have to take a range of setup shots to check if the light is the way that I want it. Sometime I managed to volunteer Kim to help me set up and on the rate occasion she pulls a funny face.
13. October 2012 12:50
by Rene Pallesen
This is a series of photos I've taken of Lucas being 1 month old.
It is a lot harder taking baby photos this time around for a number of reasons such as it being harder to find the time with both Lucas and the newborn around as well as Lucas not being a very good sleeper. This means that whenever he does sleep it is time for especially mummy to have a rest rather than run around taking photos.
Aiden is extremely fond of his little baby brother and every morning he wants to see the baby and give him a little kiss.
Whenever Lucas cries, Aiden will say 'Dont cry Lucas'.
I am sure that as he grows older they will be best mates.
Hopefully as he grows older Lucas will be a bit easier we will be able to take more photos than we have been.
13. October 2012 08:24
by Rene Pallesen
Lucas is now one month old and we had a little celebration for family and friends with bbq, food and cake.
It was a fine day with lots of kids around (so AIden was busy playing all day).