20. October 2016 13:10 by Rene Pallesen 0 Comments Scarborough Family Trip 20. October 2016 13:10 by Rene Pallesen | 0 Comments TweetShareIt has been a while since we did a family trip with the family. Kim's dad is getting older and it isIt has been a while since we did a family trip with the family. Kim's dad is getting older and it is getting harder for him to do longer extended trips.The family found a nice house at Scarborough just an hours drive from Sydney. It was a beautiful coastal home with room enough for the whole family and with the conveniences of a large kitchen, a fireplace and TV for the kids.The inlaws recently got a dog and she made it on the trip as well.More importantly, it was just a short walk to the Scarborough hotel for coffee in the morning.And also plenty of beaches nearby.